Sunday, June 2, 2019

Constructing A Multi Storey Commercial Building Construction Essay

Constructing A Multi Storey Commercial Building Construction EssayInvolved clearing, grubbing (removal and disposal of surface vegetation, roots, stumps and underground break in of structures to a depth of at least 0.50m below ground level) and stripping (removal of topsoil to an average depth of at least 100mm below ground level), JKR 1988-1.all(a) the combustible material removed from the designated argona is being disposed by burning however if burning is not permitted, it must be disposed in a safe and tidy manner at solid waste dump outside the order, JKR, 1998-1.1.2 EarthworkInvolved excavation of loosening and removing earth and rock from its legitimate position from a cut and transporting it to a fill or a waste deposit (Clarkson ad Hicks, 1981). It must be carried out immediately subsequently the top soil has been removed. Earthwork is fundamental for the winding of drainage, thoroughfareway and mental synthesis foundation. Mass haul diagram is used to guarantee the volume of cut and fill be efficient (reduce wastage and import from other place).1.3 StakingStaking is being carried out by surveying. Markers are being driven into the ground as markers for the building and perimeter fencing. Precise staking is important plot the view perimeter of a building.1.4 Perimeter FencingTo prevent intruders, public and animals to create disruptions to the project.1.5 DewateringApplications of vertical drain, piezometer or surcharge are useful for the dewatering process. This is to ensure the pore water pressure in the soil is in a safety range hence it does not affect the building.1.6 Temporary BuildingsInclude site office (meeting and discussion), tooshie, store (store building materials), canteen, worker s quarters, etc.1.7 Temporary Access RoadIt must be strong, wide and not too exorbitant for heavy vehicles and it should allow to take-over space. Warning signboard and guard house should be equipped to ensure the safety of the site (prevent unautho rised intruder).2.0 SUB-STRUCTURESSub-structures are the elements of a building that are located beneath the ground level such as1) Piling and foundation2) Basement/Underground floor3) Column stumps4) primer jibe5) Hardcore and damp-proof materials2.1 Piling and FoundationTo support the structure above it. A system of piles, pile caps, and straps (if required) that transfers the structural load to the bearing stratum into which the piles are driven.Uploaded with Piling2.2 Basement/Underground FloorSometimes, parking lots, merchandise outlets, food-court, etc are located at basement or underground. Proper supervising and soil probe needed to ensure safety.2.3 Column StumpsColums stumps needed for the column to be build especially for high-rise building.Uploaded with ImageShack.usWorkers are constructing column stumps2.4 Ground BeamGround beams are designed to support brick/blockwork or to form permanent shutter to the edge of in-situ concrete floor-slab. Loading requ irements can be achieved by varying the reinforcement. Ground beams are rectangular or square in shape. However, notches / half end plates / sloped faces can be supplied to order.Uploaded with Ground beams being constructed2.5 Hardcore and Damp-Proof MaterialsA overprotective measure applied to building foundation walls to prevent moisture from passing through the walls into interior spaces. Moisture if in contact with the reinforced concrete, the reinforcement impart rust and the strength of the reinforce concrete will be greatly reduced.3.0 SUPER-STRUCTURESSuper-structures are the elements located above the damp-proof material (ground level) such as1) Structural flesh served as a frame for the construction of the upper floors2) Upper floors for high-rise building.3) Wall as a partition.4) Roof5) Doors and windows6) Finishing7) Utilities providing basic conveniences such as water, power supply, septic tank, telephone, fire detector, sprinkler, elevator, security al arm, etc.4.0 EXTERNAL WORKSIt consists of all the works outside the building such as1) roadstead2) Vehicle parking3) Gutter4) Sewer5) Fence6) Landscaping5.0 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWThere are many elements in the Uniform Building By-Law in Malaysia such as1) Preliminary2) Submission of plans for approval includes supervision of work, scale of plans, plans of alterations, materials not to be deposited in a street without permission, etc.3) Space, light and spreading includes open spaces to be provided, access from a street, splayed corner, width of footwear, mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning, height of rooms in residential buildings, shophouses and school, etc.4) Temporary works in connection with building operations includes commencement of building operation, responsibility of person granted temporary permits, vehicular access to site, etc.5) Structural requirements includes building materials, customary requirements of loading, weight of partitions, mechanical stacking, roof coverings, foundations, brick footings, etc.6) Constructional requirements includes drainage of subsoil, protection against soil erosion, lift, swimming pools, depth of water, etc.7) Fire requirements includes rules of measurement, protected shafts, ventilation to lift shafts, fume detectors for lift lobbies, etc.8) Fire alarms, fire detection, fire extinguishment and fire fighting access.9) Miscellaneous building exempted, failure to buildings, etc.6.0 SITE INVESTIGATION aim investigation is very important to a project to1) decide whether the site is generally suitable (whether it is situated at suitable location)2) get specific information for nab design, safety and economy (determine soil properties)3) prepare for construction alternatives (special equipments for dewatering and etc.)7.0 PHASES OF INVESTIGATIONThe followings are the phases of investigation1) Desktop study initial study of available data2) Site investigation get useful data from the site3) Soil investigation determine soil properties4) Analysis of dataSketch of Bad Site LayoutUploaded with detrimental SITE LAYOUTBased on the attached bad site layout, it is considered as bad due to the following reasons1) Material storage situated opposite of the road which is inconvenient for the construction work to be carried out. It will cause traffic issue while transporting the materials to the construction site.2) Site office is far away from the construction site.3) Worker s quarters are near to the construction site but the canteen is far away from the worker s quarters. This cause inconveniences for the workers during lunch time hour.4) Toilet is far from the worker s quarters.5) Parking lots are not located near to the construction site.6) No pedestrian bridgework between the construction site and the parking lots. This will cause a big problem to the traffic especially during peak hours.7) The material storage, site office, canteen, toilet as well as parking lots should be si tuated at the empty space indicate in the site layout to minimise the problems discussed above.

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