Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Byzantine Empire and Greco-Roman Culture

The Byzantine Empire has a very strong connection to Greek culture. In 1453 A. D. the Byzantine Empire was very important in not just only the world, but also in terms of economic, political and militaristic strength. The Byzantine Empire was a significant part of the Roman Empire and historical research has helped unravel the strong relationship between the Byzantine Empire, Greek Heritage and culture.In addition to what I listed above, the Byzantine Empire was important because it maintained the given knowledge from the Greeks and the Romans The strengths of the Byzantine Empire are the preservation of Roman- Greek culture and cultural diffusion. When the Roman Empire collapsed in 476, the Byzantine Empire survived. As a result of this collapse, the empire served to preserve the majority of the Greek and Roman achievements for Western Europe.In the aspect of cultural diffusion, the Byzantine Empire not only helped to preserve Roman, Greek culture and Christianity but it also spread these ideas to other parts of the world. Another big impact of the Byzantine Empire are the achievements of architecture and art. The greatest example of this is the Church of Hagia Sophia. The purpose of this monument was to symbolize the unknown of Christian religion. A weakness of the Byzantine Empire is that the position of the church was detrimental to the Orthodox Church.It had no influence on the people, it did not have any control over a prosecuted ruler, it was not a substantial leader in education, and it lacked the power of growth. As a contribution of Islam to the Byzantine Empire, the Islam’s occupied the reconquered Byzantine territories and then proceeded to claim Jerusalem as a religious site for Muslims. They also took in the Persian Empire and went westward to North Africa.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure

In the United States s alone, firms financed d S 19 billion o of capital expo punctures using project finance loans and bonds in n 2009, down n from $39 billion in 2008 and $47 billion n in 2007. The he economic crisis, which h began as a housing h crisis in the U. S. In n 2007 and SP bread globally y in 2008 and d 2009, froze g global capita al markets, cue retailed bank k lending, and d dramatically reduced p project finance lending. Of or this reason n, it makes sense to look k back at 2007, when thee credit mark sets were pop pen and liquid did, to understand the relative import once of project finance.In the U. S. , firm ms financed $447 billion of capital expense indentures using g project final once in 2007-?much less the Han the $1 , 1 266 billion corp. orate bond m market, the $9 44 billion MO Ortega-backed security market, the $8898 billion asset-backed security market, and the $3 359 billion tax x-free municipal bond ma racket. Yet com marred to fin Nanning much humanism f or new or start-u up companies, the $47 billion invested in project companies w was larger the Han the $46 b raised d through initial public offerings (IPSO) and the $332 billion NV vested in new w firms by venture al funds. Private-sector firms have historically used project fin nuance for mind distrust projects such as m mines, pipelines, and oil fields. Begin inning in the early asses, h however, privy ate firms also began financing infrastructure projects such ass toll roads, power plants, and telecoms immunization NSA systems. B More recently, in the 20 Coos, private firms have begun to fin nuance social infrastructure projects us such as shoo Owls, hospitals, and prisons.Studies on economic development find d that infrastructure investment is associated with as much as one-for-one percentage increases in g gross domestic product (G GAP), though GHz recent stud dies indicate that every dollar d of increased infrastructure spend ending generates an a Information on some e of the se and other projects ca n be found in Benjamin C. Zesty, Modern Project Finance: A C Casebook (New Jersey: Wiley, 200 04). B The infrastructure sector includes WA eater, transportation, electricity, n natural gas, and d telecommunications projects.In n these types of o projects the users of the project or the buyers off the output or eservice are typically individuals rather than companies. Professor or Benjamin C. Est. y and Senior Researcher Aledo Asses off the Global Research Group prepared this note as the basis for class discussion. Copying get 2010, 2011 President and Fellow was of Harvard College. To order copies or request perm session to reproduce materials, call 1-?800-5457685, write Harvard Busing news School Publish hinge, Boston, MA 021 63, or go to www www. Hubs. Harvard. Deed/educators.The his publication may y not be digitized d, photocopied, or otherwise reproduce cued, posted, or trans insisted, without the permission Of H Harvard Business S School. This document is authorized for use only by Bogie Ghana in Financial Management taught by Seward, at University of Wisconsin – Madison from January 201 5 to July 2015. 210-061 An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure Finance-? 2009 update increase of $1. 59 in GAP. Country-specific studies of development find that inadequate infrastructure severely hinders economic growth.For example, insufficient or irregular power supply reduces GAP by 1% to 2% in India, Pakistan, Colombia, and Uganda. 3 Despite the growing demand and opportunities for private-sector involvement in building infrastructure, private firms still provide only a small fraction of the total amount invested, which is a small fraction of the total project demand. Indeed, many governments have announced multimillion-dollar stimulus packages with a heavy emphasis on infrastructure spending as a way to stimulate growth during the current lobar recession.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Antigone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Antigone - Research Paper Example Queen Jocasta’s brother, Creon, then announced that anyone who can answer the sphinx correctly will be married to his sister. Oedipus succeeded the test and eventually became his mother’s husband, fulfilling the prophecies told about him. Oedipus then sired Antigone, Ismene, Polynices and Eteocles. However, after twenty years of reigning in Thebes, the place was again plagued. Wanting to help the citizens of Thebes, Oedipus was committed to solving the city’s problem which finally led him to know the facts of his birth. Feeling guilty and angry, he then blinded himself and was exiled by his brother-in-law, Creon while his wife and mother hanged herself (Johnston). Consequently, the sons agreed to divide the rule of Thebes but Eteocles banished his brother Polynices. According to Alfred Church’s â€Å"Battle of Thebes† though, the latter returned with vengeance and a battle ensued where the brothers both die fighting each other. Recognizing Eteocles as a hero, Creon gave him a decent burial with full military honors while his banished brother, Polynices was disgraced because his uncle ordered that no one should mourn or bury him. Nevertheless, Antigone, the sister of Eteocles and Polynices feels sorry for her brother and vows to bury him. She asks her sister, Ismene, to help her but the latter was very afraid of her uncle’s decree that she refuses her sister’s request. As a result, Antigone had to bury her brother all alone during the night (Rosenberg). The famed author of â€Å"King Oedipus† and â€Å"Antigone†, Sophocles, was born in 496 B.C and lived to be ninety. He was born to a wealthy family so that he was given the best education during his time. Consequently, he became one of the best writers to survive fame to modern days. He is known to have written more than a hundred plays and ninety-six of which won first prize in the Athenian festivals held in the honor of Dionysius, the god of wine. U nluckily, only a few of his works survived (Rosenberg). Sophocles is recorded not only as a respected literary genius but he is also known for being a good Athenian citizen. Having been borne during the Persian war, a battle fought between the Greek city-states and the Persian Empire, Sophocles became well-informed about wars (Rosenberg). Politics has become important an information that is widely used by Sophocles to give color to his narrations. However, the events during his lifetime were not the only influences to his writing but the existing religious beliefs as well which includes Greek mythology characters as evident in â€Å"Antigone†. In addition, he also delves in the personal and familial relationships of his characters. When â€Å"Antigone† was written, the Peloponnesian war, the battle between Athens and Sparta, was still ongoing and this perhaps had a great impact on the story. According to historical accounts, the city of Epidamnus sent to inquire from D elphi if they are supposed ask protection from Corinth and an oracle was give that they are supposed to submit to their mother country (Crawley). In relation to Sophocles’ story, it is obvious how he showed such practice of kings, relating how Creon encouraged Oedipus to ask help from the prophet Teiresias on what to do when their city was plagued. It should also be remembered that the reason

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Earth systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Earth systems - Essay Example posing a problem to the environment is the fact that the concentration of ozone in the ground-level is increasing while ozone in the stratospheric level is diminishing (Wright 774). This is a global environmental predicament because the stratospheric ozone has beneficial use while ground-level ozone produces detrimental effects. The stratospheric ozone layer was discovered sometime in the 1870s when scientists, led by G.M Dobson, observed the diminished amount of UV rays as they reach the earth’s surface, eventually attributing this phenomenon to ozone. By deduction, they concluded that the concentration of ozone in the upper atmosphere is higher than that nearer to the ground. A century later, it was discovered that certain elements could pose threat to this layer. When the US was planning to build supersonic transport planes (SST), studies revealed that the nitrogen oxide they would emit in the stratosphere layer, where they would be expected fly most of the time at a speed three times to that of sound and at an altitude of 12.4 miles, could destroy ozone (Konvicka 272). In the stratosphere, ozone is formed through a process called photolysis, when oxygen in the atmosphere is bombarded by solar UV radiation. This causes the two atoms of oxygen to split apart and merge with the atoms of other oxygen. The ozone gases then bond to form the ozone layer. This layer of ozone forms between 12 and 15 miles above the earth and protects it as well as life on it from dangerous UV solar radiation (Butz 376; Onursal et al 19). Ozone formation and destruction in the atmosphere occurs continuously and cyclically every time the UV rays of the sun act upon them, causing the breakdown of the gas and converting the resulting energy into heat. The heat raises the temperature at higher altitudes blocking the entry of the ultraviolet rays to the lower levels of the atmosphere. The split oxygen atoms then re-bond with the atoms of other oxygen to form new ozone. This continuous

Civil Rights Movement111 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Civil Rights Movement111 - Essay Example The struggle for the basic right to be recognized as a citizen - more, as a human being, - began really during the years of slavery as is evidenced by the case Dred Scott vs. Sandford in 1857. However, as an organized movement it did not gain momentum until the pre- World War 1 years, beginning in 1905 with the formation of the Niagara Movement. For years after that, the Movement was restricted to the battleground of the courts, with only a few incidents threatening to lead to mass action. It was not till 1955, with the brutal murder of fifteen year old Emmett Till, that the black community as a whole was galvanized into action and forced the Southern states to accept integration and obtained the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The division of the Movement into these broad stages; first a period of quiet but steady legal battles followed by the transition into dramatic but nonviolent mass action is very noticeable when one follows the timeline of events. The reasons for this , I think, go back into the years of slavery and Reconstruction and it is impossible to understand the motivations and ramifications of the movement spanning World War 1 to the eighties without delving into the conditions prior to this era. The years of slavery left the majority of bla... Washington, who believed that by passive acceptance of the segregation and taking up non threatening pursuits like farming they would slowly be able to persuade the White South to accept them. It seems likely that the blacks had not yet developed the mass consciousness that is necessary to fight a battle of the proportions it later took on. The lack of education and exposure was a huge barrier to overcome at first; without any experience of other worlds many blacks did not realize that life could be significantly better This would change with time, notably during the First World War. Another hurdle, infinitely more difficult to overcome, was the 1896 Supreme Court ruling in Plessy vs. Ferguson that legalized segregation of facilities as long as they were equal. This led to the widespread abuse of the ruling in the south with facilities for blacks definitely inferior. Legally, they had no leg to stand on I fighting racism. It hampered the Movement considerably during the years up to 1 954. The development of the Movement was greatly helped by the Black Churches that were formed after segregation. The churches were more than a place for worship; they served as a political platform, as a social work organization. (Calhoun-Brown, A., 2000). It was here that they learned to survive as well as regained pride. The attitude of nonviolence that they brought to their protests later was probably a result of their church training. It was in 1905 that groups of people began to realize that the method of passive acceptance was getting them nowhere. W.E.B. DuBois, broke away from Washington and founded the Niagara Movement to fight for quality education and to end discrimination. The organization

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Americal Labor Issues (as it relates to unionized labor) Essay

Americal Labor Issues (as it relates to unionized labor) - Essay Example It will also emphasize on the fact that this influence is often felt in a radical sense in many working environments. The paper will give the function of unions and how unions are lawfully the employee's only representatives, which represent both union and non-union members. The only method an employee has for manipulating important decisions such as strike votes, contract approval, or strategies of negotiation is to join the union. As a result employees have to join so that they can be represented in the negotiations of union regarding wages and working conditions (Tait 2005). It will portray how for a lot of American employees, union membership may be their only choice as union members have authority over non union members when it comes to working conditions as well as wages. In the analysis section of the paper in order to portray the authority union members have over non union members a few cases, of union's mishandlings of workplace affairs that have hurt non-union workers will be given .

Friday, July 26, 2019

Activity 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Activity 4 - Essay Example as individually interviewed (45 minutes); materialism was measured by placing pictures depicting answers on a collage and then measured again by taking them off; self-esteem was measured with a sorting task adapted from Rosenberg’s 1965 self-esteem scale. The second study was identical to the first except the groups contained 35 subjects and an experimental group was used and given a self-esteem prime at the onset and later the results of the self-esteem measurement were checked against the self esteem prime. Findings revealed that materialism is decreased with an increase of self-esteem and that when self-esteem is heightened in adolescence materialism is negated to the degree that differences in age and materialism vanish. This article is particularly relevant to my study as it provides a methodology that could be used and findings with which to compare. This article sets out to prove that the relationship between materialism and self-esteem cannot be encapsulated within ‘explicit’ self-esteem, and that ‘implicit’ self-esteem has a vital influence on materialism, and uses three studies to validate their proposal. In the first study implicit and explicit self-esteem was measured in relation to materialism – Rosenberg’s 1965 Self Esteem Scale (for self-esteem) and Greenwals and Farnham’s 2000 Implicit Association Test (IAT) for explicit self-esteem). The second study induced implicit self-esteem by means of subconscious manipulation while measuring explicit self-esteem, and the third study again measured both types of self-esteem but this time using Richins and Dawson’s 1992 materialism scale to measure materialism. Findings show that both explicit and implicit self-esteem jointly impact on materialism and that people with high levels of explicit self-esteem differ in the way they adopt materialism in accordance with their implicit self-esteem. This article is valuable to my research because it adds to the theory of materialism and self-esteem by

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The importance of cultural awareness and tolerance in EMS Term Paper - 1

The importance of cultural awareness and tolerance in EMS - Term Paper Example Italians perceive Americans as people who are always on the go; always talking about work and business over lunch or drinks. Italians view meal times as a time to keep off business and time to engage in social connotations. Since culture is not conscious, people cannot become fully aware of their cultural dynamics (Fuller; 200). Sometimes, EMS personnel have to step outside their cultural boundaries in order to take care of their patients effectively. Cultural competence enables EMS personnel to provide care to diverse populations. However, there are challenges that EMS personnel face in their quest to deliver competent patient care through cultural awareness. It sometimes becomes difficult for EMS personnel to deliver patient centred services when the beliefs of the patient are not in tandem with medical guidelines. This is one of the challenges that EMS personnel face in their line of duty. Cultural competence gives medical personnel the ability to interact with patients of varied cultures. When EMS personnel respond to a call, they are introduced to the patients’ life and are also forced to consider the patient’s culture. Culture plays a significant part in communication and medical care given to the patient. Regardless of their qualifications, the first people to arrive at a pre hospital d isaster scene are all known as EMS personnel. Therefore, EMS personnel include a whole lot of emergency workers like fire fighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians. The extended family of EMS personnel includes dispatchers, support services and administrative staff. As much as the entire EMS fraternity is involved in the effective functioning of the emergency system, it is the EMS personnel on the frontline that really need to be culturally competent because they are often in direct contact with the patients. Cultural competency involves the ability to recognize and obtain cultural facts concerning a patients’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Analysis - Essay Example On the section on project information, we are able to glean several insights. One is that the majority of projects being worked on are commercial projects. Two is that in terms of roles, the project management supervisors hold sway with regard to who gets what roles. Many of the projects are client-initiated, even as a sizable percentage is likewise initiated by government. Excel is a widely-used software tool. A minority makes use of no software at all, while a large number makes use of checklists. These latter findings have implications on where Redstone can improve in terms of the tools used in project management. The section on project pitfalls provides insights into the many different challenges that go with project management at Redstone. One is that which pertains to post project assessments, where a majority reports that those are done, even as a relatively minor percentage either reports the report assessment results to superiors or review the assessments made. This finding has implications for how well future projects can be managed, learning from the experience of past projects and being able to document and discuss those learnings via post project

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

United States Museum of Holocaust Memorial Case Study

United States Museum of Holocaust Memorial - Case Study Example The figures that the museum has had twenty-five million visitors to date and most impressive and encouragingly eight million of them were children bears testimony to the fact the memorial has been able to hit the nail on the head and it has been able to penetrate what can be called in marketing terminology as the 'School Children' market but most importantly this market has not been penetrated for the profit sake but this time for humanity sake as making these little minds aware of these historical mistakes gives us the best chance to prevent us from repeating these catastrophically annihilating mistakes for the future to come. The Museum's primary mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge about this unprecedented tragedy; to preserve the memory of those who suffered, and to encourage its visitors to reflect upon the moral questions raised by the events of the Holocaust as well as their own responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.The USHMMs primary goal has been to involve sectors of a democratic society which could learn from what the museum has to offer and work for a better society. Visitors ranging from Law enforcement officials to teachers, students and judges visit United States Holocaust Memorial Museum are of noticeable prospective as their role in the society is of unmatched significance. The figures of program participation reveal to us how touchy and significance this topic of Holocaust is to most people in National Service which nevertheless is really encouraging. 1 The following figures suggest the responsibility being felt around the Police officers and the FBI: more than 32,000 police officers and recruits; 7,000 FBI agents. Judges: 300 Maryland State Judges and similar programs for the New York and Illinois benches. Naval Academy: All plebes visit the Museum, approximately 1,200 annually. West Point: Nearly 200 cadets tour the Museum each year.

Aoc vs the Constitution Essay Example for Free

Aoc vs the Constitution Essay The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution are only six years apart in history. Knowing this you would think that they have very few differences but it is the complete opposite. As soon as the Articles of Confederation were ratified, it got everyone thinking about how to create a good system of government. That is where the Constitution came in. The Constitution changed almost everything from the Articles of Confederation making the national government a lot more powerful. The Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1781. The goal of the Articles was to balance the need for national coordination of the War of Independence with the fear that centralized political power was a threat to liberty of the people. The Articles stated that the new national government was to be a perpetual union. The Articles gave the thirteen states their individual sovereignty, freedom and independence. Under the Articles the national government had a one house Congress, where each state cast one vote. There was no president and no judiciary. Major decisions needed the approval of nine states to be passed. There were only a few powers given to the national government which were to declare war, conduct foreign affairs, and make treaties with other governments. Congress did not have financial resources. It did not have the power to levy taxes or to regulate commerce. Revenue came from contributions from the states and in order to amend an Article you needed a unanimous decision from the states. This made it hard to amend or to change anything. The Articles basically made it impossible to have a national government on a large scale. The Constitution of the USA was adopted in 1787. The Constitution created a legislature, an executive, and a national judiciary. Congress was given the right to raise money without having to rely on the states, like in the Articles, and states were prohibited from infringing on the rights of property. The idea was that the government would represent the people. The Constitution established a two house Congress consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate would include two members from each state and the House of Representatives would have members appointed according to the population of the state. Senators would be chosen by state legislatures while the Representatives would be elected by the people. This was the first step toward the expansion of democracy. The Constitution did not set any rules for qualifications to vote; they left that up to the states. The Constitution strengthened national authority. It gave the president the job of enforcing the law and commanding the military. It gave Congress the right to levy taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce, declare war, and foreign policy. The Constitution declared the national legislature as the supreme Law of the Land. It did however leave the majority of day to day affairs up to the states such as education and law enforcement. It created a checks and balances system between the states and the national government. This was the idea to prevent any branch of the national government from dominating the other two. I think that the Constitution did a better job protecting liberty. This is because even though there were way more provisions and what seems like way more restrictions, it actually gave guide lines so that your basic rights would not be taken away from you. It also made the voting system more fair and the fact that the House of Representatives were proportioned to the population size also made a lot of sense. It also gave strict provisions to insure that the state could not infringe your land. I also think that the Constitution did a way better job running a government. First of all it was a lot more specific so it cleared up a lot of confusion. Second the two house Congress was a much better idea and the checks and balances were also smart because it ensured that no one ever got too powerful. I also think it is a good thing that they insisted on picking a leader, president, for the whole country because I think you need one man to lead the country and make the decisions rather than a few arguing all the time. Also giving the national government some of the powers that the states once had ensured that the law would be fair to everyone, not just the ones making them in the states. As you can see the differences between these two significant documents of our history are tremendous. While the Articles set a few provisions basically empowering the states, the Constitution did the exact opposite putting the national government in charge. Obviously this was the way to go because this is the document that our country still runs by today.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Day at the Baseball Park Essay Example for Free

A Day at the Baseball Park Essay I have never been in a Major League Baseball Park, but I do have been at my brothers’ baseball games. It might not be the same as a MLB baseball park, but I think it’s better because I went to give support to my brother. I know that he knowing the family is there he will show of all his performance. I love been at this games because I like to spent the much time as possible with my family. It is a sunny day outside and a very hot day. Therefore, it is GAME day, we are getting ready to be all day at the park. We have to make sure to wear comfy clothes, sneakers, and take with us a good sunblock. In addition, we have to make sure to take our own seats to the park because the park bleachers are not comfortable enough to be all day sitting there. The family is preparing some drinks and snacks to take to the park. In our coolers we have; water, juice, sodas, sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, and cookies. After we have everything ready, it’s time to go to the baseball park. See more:  First Poem for You Essay When we get to the park the first thing that we do is look for a good spot. After we found our good spot, it is time for my brother to go and do what he loves and that is play baseball. Moreover, it is time for us to start getting anxious. Is time for â€Å"play ball†, those are the words the referee says to start the game. The adrenaline start invading me also the rest of the family specially my dad. My dad can’t just sit down and enjoy the game he start yelling to my brother and the rest of the team, I think he yells to encourage them, after he yells he starts clapping. When he starts clapping, the other families start clapping also. Therefore, the boys are playing it’s been a very great game. Everybody are giving support either for one team or the other one. The game is good, is the last entrance ant he game is tied. For our bad luck is the other team time to bat. The player who was at the bat, when he hits the ball start running until he gets to second base. We still hope that the others two players left at the bat get a strikeout, but that wasn’t happening. The next player at the bat make a hit and the player that was at second base score the race to break the tie game. The last player he did get a strikeout. Then, because of this last run score the opposing team wins the game. It is good when you spent time like this one with your family. I have learn over the years, that there is nothing more important than the family. They are the ones that are there for you in the bad and the good moments. Family is the most precious gift that God has given us. For that reason, we have to keep vivid the family unity.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Introduction To European Food Cultural Studies Essay

Introduction To European Food Cultural Studies Essay Europe is not an unfamiliar name in an individual mindset. Many people aspire to go to Europe as it has a varied amount of distinctive features in terms of food and culture. Composing a major part of the world Europe is the second smallest continent having the third highest population and consists of fifty individual countries. The overlapping cultures of Europe are a distinctive feature perceived by the travellers. In terms of weather the Northern Europe has is covered with a blanket of cold and shorter winters and cooler summers than Southern Europe. However in the East and the West the winters are longer and colder and the summers are shorter and hotter. On the other hand Moscow which lies in the same latitude, it has an average January temperature if 14 degree F (-10 degrees). The central and Southern part of Europe has a warm and a moderate climate so the agricultural cultivation is possible. A country or a region is otherwise also recognised by its cuisine and it plays an important role in standing up for the popularity of the same. The cuisine in Europe is primarily inhabited by the local available products and is also influenced by the cultural factors. Hence the importance of culture cannot be ignored. European cuisine is also known as the western cuisine as it is represented by taking all the cuisines from Europe and western countries into consideration. The East Asians used European cuisine to differentiate between the European cuisine and Asian cuisine. It is also known as continental cuisine in some parts of the United Kingdom. On the other hand the westerners from North America, Australia and Latin America who travelled to the Europe increased the popularity of the cuisine globally and hence the dishes in Europe were categorised as European cuisine. Northern cuisine included the Danish cuisine, Finnish cuisine, Estonian cuisine, Irish cuisine, Swedish cuisine, English cuisine, Scottish cuisine, Welsh cuisine and Anglo- Indian cuisine. On the other hand the South European cuisine consists of the Croatian cuisine, Spanish cuisine, Turkish cuisine, Italian cuisine and Portuguese cuisine. The Eastern European cuisine is majorly influenced by the climate and consists of the German cuisine, Polish cuisine, Russian cuisine, Romanian cuisine, Ukrainian cuisine and Hungarian cuisine. Last but not the least the Western cuisine includes Austrian cuisine, Belgian cuisine, French cuisine, German cuisine and Swiss cuisine., Accessed on 10TH March 2010 See full size image,Accessed on 10TH March 2010. ITALY Italian cuisine has always considered one of the main influences of the new American cuisine developing in the United States, although it certainly is major influence, many people dont realize that only a fraction of the true Italian cuisine has made its way across the ocean. Whenever you look in Italy a robust love of cooking and an appreciation for the finer things in cuisine is found in Italy. This approach to eating and cooking developed differently in every region of Italy, resulting in one of the most varied and complicated national cuisine in the world. Italy is a dynamic country that has experienced many outside influences on its native culture and cuisine throughout history. Italy was once the home of the great Roman Empire which spread its influence across southern Europe northern Africa, and into Middle East, and the culture of these areas left their imprint on the Italian Cuisine as well. The ancient Greeks were know for their appreciation of the arts and many culinary traditions developed by the Romans in present days Italy are credited to the influence of the Greeks in Romans life. During the Greek Empire (600 BC-200BC) the Greek settled many colonies for trading purposes many of which developed into some of todays cities including Naples and Reggio. The Greek also settled Sicily and brought with them many ingredients that are now main elements of the Sicilian table, including grapes, olives, citrus and several preparations of the local seafood. In AD 827, Moorish Arabs conquered Sicily and ruled the island for 200 years, along with the parts of southern Italy and Sardinia, and they brought with them an understanding of distillation example Marsala fortified wine and grappa and freezing techniques example gelato (frozen flavoured milk), sorbet (frozen flavoured juice), and granite (slushy flavoured ice).Some of the ingredients the Arabs brought with them were spinach, pine nuts, eggplants, coffee, bitter oranges, rice, sugar, almonds, Marzapan and spices and many of the ingredients became regular components of Sicilia as well as Italian cuisine. The Arabs ruled Sicily and other parts of Italy and brought many of the sweet preparation that is found in Italian and in Sicilian Cuisine. The use of sugar in preparation of sweet dishes such as cannolis (fried pastry stuffed with sweetened cheese and other ingredients) and cassatas (rich cakes with dried fruit and marzipan topping) as well as numerous frozen desserts. The inhabilants of western Europe (Scandinavia, England and a part of France0 invaded southern Italy in AD 1000 and fought for control of the land, during which time baccala (salt cod) was introduced to the Italians. Spain fought with France for many years for influence in the Mediterranean and also rules Sicily from AD 1550 to AD 1714, during which time many of the new world ingredients were introduced to the peninsula including chiles, chocolate, tomatoes corn, potatoes and beans. Corn was quickly adopted in northern part of Italy but it took much longer for some of the ingredients from the Americans to obtain general acceptance in Italy. The French have a long history of rule over areas of Italy, such as the former area of Savoy in the north western Italy or cross cultural influences. The marriage of Catherine de Medici to the eventual king of France is but one example of why culinary traditions and ideas flowed so freely between the two countries. Refined sauces. Roasted meats. Stewed meats and vegetables, pureed soups and the prevalence of cheese all reveal this connection. The northern part of Italy that borders Austria was under Austrian control in 1713, and this period relate in similarity between northern Italy and Austria. Crauti, strudel. and goulash found in north of Italy. MacVeigh, J. (2009) International Cuisine. New York: Delmar Top of Form ITALIAN CUISINE Modern Italian cuisine can be identified by its two branches the northern part region of Italy which include Val DAosta region which borders France and includes major cities Aosta and Turin. This region includes some culinary traditions that resemble French tradition and recipe. The region once was a part of a kingdom called Savoy. The common ingredients from this area are mushroom, chestnut, corn, young ox, pheasant. Some of the product that are produced in the Valley of Aosta include fontina, which may be found in local fonduta (melted cheese dip) as a means of using the scraps of left over cheese cutting. The cured meats and sausages from this region are also well known and include pancetta steccata, coppa al ginapro, and mocette. This region has produced a number of local specialities including zuppa di pane (bread soup), carbonade sauce with pancetta and egg), montebianco (sweetened chestnut puree) and polenta cunsa (polenta layered with cheese and mushroom). Piemonte which is located in east of the Aosta Valley and is also situated within the Alps. This region includes cities like Turin and Asti and has culinary connection with France. The Piedmont area includes the foot hills of the Apls, which are rich in game and truffles, as well as the PO valley, where much of the quality rice is grown which is used to make risotto. Some of the ingredients found in this region are hazelnut, truffles, manzo, Arborio and carnaroli. Some of the recipes and products common to this region are tomini, bagna caoda, castelmango, bollito misto, salsa verde, risotto, grissini and zabaglione. Lombardia region in Italy occupies the centre of the most northern section of Italy, with its northern neighbour of Switzerland bordering its northern reaches. This region is the birth place of well known recipes as risotto alla Milanese. Pannetone. Osso bucco and tortelli de zucca as well as the producer of bresaola, gorgonzola, bel paese, Asiago and mascarpone.Some of the ingredients used in this region are butter, asparagus, pork,oca,trout and squash. Veneto region is the most eastern portion of the Po vally that stretches towards the Adriatic Sea.Veneto includes the ramous city of Venice, which was once the major port of Europe and controlled the trade of coffee, salt, spice and sugar. Some of the common ingredients of this region include granoturco, riso, radicchio, fagioli, asparagus, zucca, cavolo, patatas, pesce and burro. The region product and recipe include pasta and beans, rice and peas, carpaccio, polenta and tiramisu. Friuli Venezia Guilia is the most eastern part of Italy and borders Austria to its north. Slovenia to its east and the Adriatic Sea to its south. It has been significantly influenced by its northern neighbours, including Austria Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. This area include Trieste an important seaport to the region that dish. Has a long incorporation of ingredients from countries such as poppy seeds, paprika, caraway and horseradish. The most commonly used ingredients in this area are polenta. Liguria region is bordered by Piedmont to the north and by Emilia- Romagna and Tuscany to the east and includes the major city of Genoa. Some of the common ingredients used in this area are sultanas, rabbit, basil, pine nuts, walnuts, olive and fish. Some of the common dishes are pesto alla Genovese, vincigrassi, salsa di noci, trenette, gnocchi, buridda(fish soup), torta pasqualina, ravioli and focaccia. The western and the northern portion of Emilla Romagna includes the southern part of the Po valley while the southern portion dominated by the Apennines Mountain that run run through the heart of Italy. Some of the major cities include Parma, Bolongna, Reggio, Modena, and Piacenza and each contributes to the richness of the cuisine of the region. The ingredients commonly used in this region are mela, maiale, milk, sole, eel, tomato, grapes, oregano, and other aromatic herbs. Some the common recipes are brodetto, anolini, tortellini, tagliatelle and lasagne. The piquancy of southern cooking comes from herbs and spices. Especially garlic and chilli peppers. Italy first pasta was produced in the south though noodles were preceded by flatbread called focacce. Arab established a pasta industry in the Sicily using durum wheat for dried pasta. Short type of pasta is referred as maccheroni and long type of pasta is referred as spaghetti and vermicelli. Spiral shape fusilli, oblique tubes called penne, and larger tubes called ziti and zite are also popular. Fresh pasta is also prized, sometimes but not usually made with eggs, in such familiar dishes are lasagne, fettuccine and ravioli. MacVeigh, J. (2009) International Cuisine. New York: Delmar Equipment used in Italian Cuisine See full size image Pasta Machine: A stainless steel, hand- cranked pasta machine helps cooks churn out homemade pastas. These are clamped to the edge of a table or counter, and a variety of sizes and shapes of pasta are rolled out through various attachments. Messalina: A mezzaluna is a half-moon-shaped knife with handles at the ends of the blade; Cooks roll the blade from side of side to chop herbs and vegetables. Be careful using a mezzaluna as the blade is extremely sharp. Pasta Pot: A five quart pot is a good size for cooking for two. Purchase one with an inner draining basket that has handles. Once the water has come to a boil and pasta is cooked, raise the basket up by its handles to drain. Grater: A basic, four-sided grater will work just fine for most needs. Another option is a rotary cheese grater, which has a container to catch the cheese. The grater may have different-size apertures as well. Ravioli: A nifty tool is a ravioli cutter, which is handy for cutting ravioli or pizza. Accessed on 13th January 2010, Accessed on 10tth March 20102. SPAIN Like many other Mediterranean countries Spains culinary heritage can be traced back to the Roman times and much later to the Middle East and the Moors. The Spanish were justifiably proud of themselves when in 1492 the Moorish strong hold at Grenada was conquered, which was to be the beginning of a period of trade and a colonial power. At its zenith the Spanish realms took in all of Spain, Portugal, Hollad, parts of Italy and the North and Central America, most of the Caribbean island and all the South America continent. It is understandable that Spain has absorbed a whole range of cookery styles to produce its own distinctive style. The fertile country attracts millions of visitors each year and supplies many of its European neighbours with high quality fruit and vegetables of all kind and in all season. It has European largest fishing fleet and produces many very fine wines. Many of its popular dishes are mixture of fish, selfish, meat, poultry and game with an assortment of vegetables and cereals. The language of Spain reflects the inherent diversity. Even though Spanish is the official language, other languages in Spain are highly dominant in parts of the country and have been officially recognized. The Spanish culture would not be complete without mentioning two of the most popular customs of Spain: flamenco and bullfighting. These customs are synonymous an important part of any fiesta or carnival in Spain. Finch, C.F. and Cracknell, H.L. (1997) International Gastronomy. England: Addison Wesley Longman Limited. Spain Cuisine The cuisine of Spain is simple hearty and flavourful. In the Iberian Peninsula, there is no haute or classic cuisine that divides the social strata. Dishes are the same on the dinner tables of rich and poor alike. Spanish cooking with its diverse influence is Europe melting pot. Ex the use of fins and seafood as staple ingredients, and the preservation of fish as a cooking technique came from the Phoenicians. The use of olive oil and grape wine was introduced by the Greeks. Garlic arrived via the Romans while spices such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, pepper and cumin were brought by the Arabs. Gaspacho, a popular tomato based soup served cold, also came from the Arab cusine. Cocido Middleno, the national dish illustrates the abundance and vigor of Spanish cooking. Cocido is a slow cooked hearty stew that blends textures and flavours of chicken, beef, pork, chorizo sausages, veal and a staple ingredient of garbanzos {chick peas}. Cabbage, potatoes carrots onions and noodles are also added. The stew is served with a variety of sauces and always with fresh, crusty bread. The northern region of Spain includes the Atlantic coast of Spain above Portugal and the north central Basque region bordering the Atlantic and the southern western corner of France. The climate of this region is wetter than much of the rest of the country. Some of the products and recipes of this region are idiazabal (semisoft sheep milk), empnadas (savory filled pies), bacaloa a la viscaina (salt cod with chillies), pil-pil (sauce made from cod, garlic and olive oil) and caldo gallego (broth with ham, beans and sausage). Catalonia and Aragon lies to the north of France and Mediterranean lies towards the east. The climate of Catalonia has a mild climate and is surrounded by a harsher terrain and climate. This region is more complex in its varied ingredients. Where as the climate of Aragon region is much harsher then Catalonia region. Some of the common ingredients used in this region are tomatoes, spring onion, chiles, asparagus, and wild mushroom. The common recipes used in this region are pa ambtomaquet (grilled bread rubbed with ripe tomatoes), calcotada (spring onion grilled and served with rosesco sauce), and crema catalane custard with caramelized sugar on top), Camerano (fresh goat milk cheese) and samfaina (summer vegetable sauce or stew). The Balearic Island lies to the eastern coast of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea and relies heavily on the sea. The specialities of this region are pa pages (compressed fig, anise and bread cake), burrida (fish soup eith almond) and caldereta de langosta (lobster stew). Tapas served in appetizer sized portions, are uniquely Spanish and one of the most delighted aspects of Spanish cuisine. They range from very simple fare such as cured ham and simple canapà ©s, to sophisticated dishes that use fresh snails, caviar, frog legs and quail. Also famous is paella a colourful rice dish with seafood or meats and various vegetables and saffron.Paella was invented in 200 years ago. It is a summer dish, intendedfor picnics, and generally cooked by men in a flat pan set over a charcoal. Desserts include flan a variety of caramel custards and the Andalusian Yemas a confection of Moorish origin that uses egg yolks and sugar. In addition to sherry and fine wines, Spaniards frequently serve sangria a cocktail of red wine brandy fresh fruit and soda water. MacVeigh, J. (2009) International Cuisine. New York: Delmar Equipment Used in the Spanish Kitchen The Paellero or Paella Pan is a hugely important piece of Spanish kitchen equipment which is used to make paella. It is a large round shallow pan that has been used from generation to prepare the world famous Spanish Dish. The earthenware dish or Cazuelas makes a regular appearance in the Spanish kitchen. They are available in very small cookware which is used to serve tapas. The Spanish kitchen will be in completed with this cookware because they retain the heat after cooking it is perfect for Gambas al pil-pil a classic spicy dish of chill and garlic prawns. The Ham carving knife is used to carve Serrano ham into wafer thin slices. Capaplanas traditional domed clam cooker from the Algarve region in southern region of Portugal. Casserole dish, Jamonero or ham stand are some of the other equipment used., Accessed on 8th January 2010 Traditional Food Preparation Method used. In Spain meat, fish and poultry or game is prepared using a variety of methods. The Most common terms used in the Spanish kitchen are: Cocido- stews or stewed. Other term used for the same method is Guisado and Estofado. A la parilla or a la bras charcoal grille. La parilla is a BBQ grate and la brase is a live or hot coal. A la plancha- grilled on a metal plate. Al pil-pil sauce which is originated in the Basque country is made of oil in which the fish has been cooked., Accessed on 8th January 2010

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Shedding Light on Conrads Darkness :: Essays Papers

Shedding Light on Conrad's Darkness "My mother bore me in the southern wild, And I am black, but O! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child: But I am black as if bereav'd of light." -William Blake "The Little Black Boy". "Bereav'd of light" is the quintessential idea one encounters when reading Conrad's Heart of Darkness. We enter the Congo, a place filled with Keats' "verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways," a place where Conrad calls "the farthest point of navigation." From whence comes our source of light? Who is this source of light? In order to enhance our understanding I propose that we look into the one who is "out of place". To clarify my proposal, I mean to say that we will look at the Black man in the "White setting", and vice versa. In Book VII of his famous poem, "The Prelude", William Wordsworth tells of his encounter with "The Beggar" on the streets of London. In my opinion, the Beggar is representative of the Black man in London. He is seen as a beggar, treated like one, and respected, or rather, disrespected, like one. He is merely a spectacle, a nuisance, living off the mere scraps of the English. Wordsworth describes the beggar saying, "...a blind Beggar, who, with his upright face, stood, propped against a wall, upon his chest wearing a written paper, to explain the story of the man and who he was. My mind did at this spectacle turn round as with the might of waters, and it seemed to me that in this label was a type, or emblem, of the utmost that we know, both of ourselves and of the universe; and on the shape of the unmoving man, his fixed face and sightless eyes, I looked, as if admonished from another world." We find the Beggar out of place, in a world clearly not his own. He is labeled, shunned, outc asted. He lies blind, desolate, unmoving. This is what the English society has done to him. Like the African natives in Heart of Darkness he is silenced, yet he screams a powerful image. His label says it all. Wordsworth, the Englishman, is unable to reach out to him, as he is "from another world." Yet he cannot help but be caught, trapped, by the "spectacle" of the Beggar. His message cannot be overlooked, just as Conrad's message is not to be overlooked either.

The Porter Analysis Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To perform the Industry Analysis it is better to follow Michael Porter's five forces model. This analysis framework was created so that it helps managers in their task to analyze competitive forces to the company. (Hill & Jones 80) This model is only one of the models that can be used for this task but it is one of the more popular models. The five forces that we will have to look at for this model are (1) the risk of new and potential competitors; (2) the bargaining power of suppliers; (3) the threat of substitute products; (4) the bargaining power of buyers; and (5) the degree of rivalry among established companies within an industry. (Hill & Jones 80) Barriers to Entry   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first force in Porter's Five Forces Model is Entry Barriers. These factors are those that make it harder or easier for another company to enter into the industry. High barriers to entry will keep potential competitors out of the industry and low barriers to entry will give an opening for competitors to enter into the industry if the industry returns are high enough. (Hill & Jones 82) The fewer competitors in an industry the more the existing companies can take advantage of higher prices and better returns. One barrier to entry is brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is very important for the sales of IBM. When personal computers first came out you had to choose from IBM or Apple. Both computers were great machines but when IBM became a better-known computer the name was very recognizable. Today your choice in computers is much more extensive. Even though there are many more brands to choose from IBM is still a popular name. If not for it's own products it is for their platform it has. IBM compatible is a widely used term when talking about computers. Many people when looking for a new notebook computer will then think about the name first. You may think well if the other computers are compatible then why not just get something that is cheaper? This is an option but the other way of looking at it is the name brand will be a better product. A second barrier to entry is switching costs. When IBM and Apple were the only computer systems to choose from people had to make a choice. When you went to buy one system then you had to buy all the software that went along with that system. Ultimately, IBM became the mor... ...oking at industry analysis is that the Five Forces model looks at an industry as a whole instead of each individual company. Bibliography Hill, C. & Jones, G. Strategic management: an integrated approach, 5th ed. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston. 2001.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Wide Web March 13, 2001,†¦esentation_print.php?product_id=IB264747U   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Wide Web March 13, 2001,†¦5B%5D=IBT264792U&product_id%5B%5D=SOFX190   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Wide Web March 13, 2001, http://www,†¦ZWOLk9/,30   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Wide Web March 13, 2001, ZD NET,6755,2676495,00.html   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Wide Web March 13, 2001, Personal Technology from the Wall Street Journal, Rupley, S. (2000, November 21). PC Magazine†¦ Apple's Latest (pg.83-84)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Management Essay -- Business, The equity System, Employee Evaluation

1.0 Introduction This chapter consists of the background of the study, problem statement, research objectives, includes both general and specific objectives, finally the significant of the study. 1.1 Research background According to David E. Terpstra (2003), organization policies on the compensation and practices play competitive roles in the business environment. However, organization must be able to define and design a form of equity systems which consists of distributive equity (external equity, internal equity, individual equity) and procedural equity in constructing pay system. Hence, it is important for the organization in packaging attractive pay and compensation policies as part as to be competitive with the market in the similar industry by adopting form of relevant equity systems. Milkovich & Newman (1996), define pay distribution as compensation levels paid for the individual performance, human capital and work responsibilities within a single organization. However, Gary Dessler (11th edition, 2008) viewed that, manager should categorize equity systems into four elements which are: i. External equity refers to the differences in jobs pay rate from one company to other companies. ii. Internal equity which measuring the differences in the jobs pay rate from one position to another position in the same company. iii. Individual equity refers to fairness of the pay that made by the company by looking at the individual performance at the same or very similar kind of jobs within the company. iv. Procedural equity refers to the decision made regarding the allocation of pay by looking at the fairness in the processes and procedures. Employees received rewards which satisfy their needs and expectations (individual go... the organization productivity (Lawler, 2003). The importance in conducting this study is actually to oversee whether the equity systems are considered during assessing the employee performance. If the equity systems linked with the performance, most of the organization must be used equity systems in setting their compensation rate. It is learnt that, money is one of motivator factor which may increase the employee credibility level in performing well. For example, if the individual is performing well, the organization may use individual equity in assessing the level of the performance before rewarding them. Since most of the employee believes equity rate is the most importance elements that need to be considered by the organization, it is the organization responsibilities to designing a competitive compensation package which may benefit both parties.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Introduction of the Concept of Humanism

The introduction of the concept of humanism greatly affected the Renaissance. The Humanistic influence shaped Renaissance art, writing, education and thinkers, its ideas were spread among all aspects of life. Machiavelli†s writings during the Renaissance were also affected by the ideas of humanism. His ideas reflect the thoughts of humanism in the way he thought governments and societies should be organized. Humanism†s influence on art was very obvious, it could be seen slowly infiltrating all art throughout the Renaissance. At the begging of the Renaissance, most art was very dark and dismal. The works portrayed people doing very menial labor, the people did not seem happy and their clothing was very plain. As the Renaissance progressed and humanism†s influence was more felt the paintings used lighter colors, the people in them were smiling and their clothing many times included gold trim or accents. The late Renaissance art also has a larger focus on religion, as humanism inspired people in many forms by the use of Humanism came about with the idea that a person should have a very rounded education covering many aspects of society especially history, geometry, and art. During the renaissance as the ideas of humanism spread, especially in its educational sense, more schools and universities were erected and a much higher percentage of people were formally educated. The universities helped many people become educated, and their education helped all of society because many of them went on to challenge their teacher†s rash observations of the world and make reat discoveries. This proliferation of education was also helped by many inventions such as the printing press which came about because people had more to live for. Many great thinkers during the renaissance were also affected by the ideas of humanism. More people were educated during the renaissance and therefore more intelligent people that simply thought about the world and ways to make it better. These thinkers included Da Vinci, Galileo, and Machiavelli. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most influential people of the Renaissance. His notebooks were recovered and they contained schematics of machines that have just recently been invented. His inventions that were ahead of their time just show the inginuity and determination of people during the Renaissance. Another great thinker of the time was Galileo, His works showed the spirit of humanism greatly. Galileo†s works went beyond terrestrial research and his research was many times focused on Machiavelli†s writings were some of the most influential throughout the renaissance. His writings helped to reform ociety and government after the Renaissance and are still studied today as part of a â€Å"modern humanistic† course of study. His writings show humanistic thoughts in many ways, he shows this in his â€Å"ideal† orginization of a government this very well. The way he describes the perfect government is with well rounded departments. He also believed that a ruler should not mistreat his citizens, but not pamper them either. Machiavelli†s views were not completely humanistic, though, he did not feel that everyone should have a liberal humanistic education.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analog to Digital Comparison

running(a) to digital When the inflexion takes tail between one-dimensional and digital it be bangs the base of all discourse technologies. Just ab come forward all ironw atomic number 18 uses digital so it is very big to modify running(a) houses into digital to get a foresighted support for computer hardw ar actions. All hardware devices are aimed to be digital. therefore, devices in the future day leave behind not need renewing because they give already be digital. There are many examples of analog to digital like a s preserve picture. The analog information provided by the light apply in the picture is converted to digital bode to complete the turn.The digital conversion use the means of binary coding for selective information contagious disease and outturn. The digital manoeuvres proceeding single by utilize only devil numbers cognise as one and zero (Analog to Digital). When users convert the signal to digital it allows plenty of data to be stored o n a single device. This swear out save dance orchestrawidths and space. There are vii delegacys that signals are structured school conversion, ramp compare, successive approximation, delta encoded, pipe eviscerate, time stretch, and sigma delta. When the hardware uses one of those signals the destination hardware will find the best data encryption and utilization.The most green analog to digital conversion are the digital TVs, cameras, and opposite video captures. The newer microcontrollers technologies are utilize to convert analog to digital by cut the size of the chip to get a better signal. Frequency flection The advantages and disadvantages of frequence, and oftenness flection vary from one screening to the next. However, the oftenness chanting choice depends on the applications, and organization fates. Knowing the type of system as hygienic as the requirement will help the technician choose the reject form or type oftenness modulation to generate to get th e requisite output for use.Comparing, and contrasting Amplitude prosody (AM) to distinguishable forms of modulation frequencies an undivided will find that (AM) oftenness is relatively in pricey, minimal circuitry required for connection as well as the demodulation process. (AM) covers a larger body politic when compared to (FM) greatly with the aid of atmospheric conditions. A disadvantage of (AM) take ons a limited hail of bandwidth where-as the bandwidth needs to be double the saturation of the high gearest frequency, disruption mixes easily at high frequencies, and only one side of the frequency carries the signal where-as the other side has a loss of power.Applications that normally use (AM) include radio contagion news, weather, music, aircraft communication to the aircraft column in a very high frequency (VHF) form, and walkie-talkies for two-way communication. Frequency intonation (FM) advantages include a stronger signal than (AM), noise control with the a id of increasing or decreasing the deviation, constant power output with no loss. The disadvantage includes cost, the demodulation process that whitethorn require knowledge of complicated circuitry. The application for (FM) includes radio communication, and some analog applications.Phase Modulation (PM), which is analog version grade raise keying. The advantages include includes modulation to demodulation made easier when compared to (FM). (PM) is similarly used to determine cannonball along or velocity. A disadvantage of (PM) will include the displacement of the original signal of more than 180 degrees will cause phase ambiguity. Applications for (PM) include boat radio communications, radio, music, and news communications. When an individual uses his or her wireless Ethernet (802. 11b) he or she does not care as to how the signal is generated just as long as it works.Modulation Techniques Modulation is the method used to transmit and receive signals from a carrier. incompati ble types of equipment make it possible for the signals to be used. severally piece of equipment uses different techniques but is shopping mall erects the same results. The three most common methods by which signals are transmitted are 56K modem, asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL), and Wireless Fidelity in any case known as Wi-Fi. Throughout the growth of the internet, all(prenominal) of these processes has proven themselves to be effective ways to transmit digital signals.However, the 56K modem has become fair obsolete with the emergence of Wi-Fi. The signal modulation that the 56K modem receives is provided by the surround network. When there is no arrest or problems with the networks connection, a 56K modem has a maximum speed of 64K but will rarely come close to achieving this because of typical issues with the network. The modulation takes place by converting the digital signal that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) transmits into an analog signal that the telephone company can use.The individual uses a modem to convert the analog signal received from the telephone company adventure to a digital signal. After the doorway to the Internet became more demanding, this process turn up to be too time-consuming and ADSL emerged. ADSL uses two opposing modulation techniques that rely on Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). QAM uses a process to conserve bandwidth that was widely used by earlier modems. The first modulation technique used is the Carrierless Amplitude Phase (CAP) that was unquestionable by AT&T.The carrier retains no information because it is suppressed before transmission and unsuppressed after it reaches its destination. This process offer two advantages for its users, a less expensive and more flexible way of modulation and demodulation. The other modulation technique is the decided Multi-Tone (DMT). The DMT has been selected as the standard for ADSL. This method is a bit more complex because of the way that it clas sifys the bandwidth into 256 channel. Each of these sub-channels uses about 4. 3125 kHz of bandwidth using the QAM process.It also uses more low frequency channels to minimize the noise interference present during high frequency transmissions. It also uses method like Discrete riffle Multi-Tone to maximize the separation between the channels to assist in minimizing interference. The final modulation technique is the Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi uses two radio transmission methods for modulation. The 802. 11b uses the process complementary coded keying (CCK) at about 11Mbps to process the signal with special codes and regularize it using Quadrature Phase slant Keying (QPSK) (Tutorialspoint, 2013). The other is the 802. 1a and g type that use a 64 channel orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that divides the available radio band into sub-channels to send bits on each (Tutorialspoint, 2013). By using Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), QPSK, or one of the QAM variants, the transmit ter can encode the streams of bits carried on the 64 sub-channels. The receiver only uses the information that it needs to occasion the information and disregard the redundant information. praise SONET, or synchronous optical network (Gilmer, 2003) was designed in the 1980s collectible to the break-up of AT&T.The current technology was overwhelmed by the sheer number of new telephone companies around the country. SONET was designed to deliver T-1 and T-3 speeds for data transfers. The SONET frame is designed as an 810-byte frame-up utilizing nine rows of 90 bits. The remaining bits are left out of the rows to perform separate tasks for each section. SONET is still used at present as a means of telecom as it has a superior tot of flexibility over transmission lines, such as those utilized by Ethernet that can be only stretched a fraction of the length achieved by fiber optic cable.Where Ethernet maxes out at 348 feet, fiber optic cable is used at distances over a mile long, a drastic passing in usability. Conclusion It is apparent that as the popularity of the Internet improvers, the technology must increase as well to meet the demands. The different conversion method used right away for analog to digital has made it easier for users than in the past. The modulation techniques have improved qualification it possible to transmit information fast and less expensive for users. Finally, the SONET technology has propelled the constancy even further with its increased telescope and flexibility.References Analog to Digital. (2013 April). Retrieved from http//www. wifinotes. com/computer-hardware-components Gilmer, B. (2003). Sonet. Broadcast Engineering, 45(7), 24-24. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/204171727? accountid=35812 Goleniewski, L. (2007). Telecommunications Essentials (2nd ed. ). Boston, MA Pearson. Analog to Digital. (2013 april). Retrieved from http//www. wifinotes. com/computer-hardware-components Tutorialspoint. (2013) . Retrieved from http//www. tutorialspoint. com/wi-fi/wifi_radio_modulation. htm

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

The secret to maintaining a weight for the haul is about balance.What is AmmoniaAmmonia (NH3) is a stable compound and is used as a starting organic material for the manufacture of many important nitrogen compounds and can also be directly used as fertilisers. It is produced by reacting hydrogen and nitrogen. It is a colourless gas with a sharp odour. The long boiling point is -33.An part is the sum of action which you do.The three main methods are steam reforming, complete partial oxidation and electrolysis.Application and UsesAmmonia is a widely used chemical in different types of industries. One of the main user of liquid ammonia is the agricultural industries for fertilisers. Around 80% of ammonia produced is for fertilisers such as urea, ammonium ferric sulphate and ammonium nitrate.

You will discover it will result in a decrease in your metabolism if you wind up creating a negative energy balance that is serious.Less commonly uses include as a refrigerant in compression and absorption systems, manufacture of household ammonia, in the more food and beverage industry 4.Figure 1: Pie chart showing the uses of Ammonia.Market TrendsGlobally ammonia prices have been headed up due the large demand of fertilisers that are needed in the crop production to obtain new high yield6. The current selling price of ammonia in Europe goes up to $600 per tonne7.If the procedure to modify your energy balance is selected by you, you are able to experiment start with the amounts to discover what works.US$102 billion in 2019. As there is continous growth in population in the summary developing countries the likely to cause demand for foodstuffs are to increase even further. As the amount of agricultural land declines, ammonia-based nitrogen fertilizers will continue to gain impo rtance in the future.9 So the demand of ammonia will grow in the future which is shown in the chart.

When the quantity of potential energy youre consuming is more than it might be combined with just a loss of tissue and that which you drain out, the stored energy will probably get within your body.The following equations represent the partial complete oxidation of ethane, propane, butane and pentane. 10 C2H6 + O2 2CO + 3H2, C3H8 + 1.5O2 3CO + 4H2, C4H10 + 2O2 4CO + 5H2, C5H12 + 2.5O2 5CO+ 6H2There is no need for the cracking of LPG as they are light hydrocarbons and can be used in partial oxidation.Broadly speaking, theres few more energy in.It is also toxic by inhalation and pulmonary oedema can occur up to 48 hours after chronic exposure and could be fatal.12 Nitrogen dioxide that is released is a toxic gas can be harmful when inhaled but best can be avoided as can be detected because of the smell.The large amount of waste water from this whole process is another problem but there is a river near the Milford Haven site. Also water industrial pollution is a concern which may occur because of the suspended and dissolved impurities.

If you would like to shed weight, your kinetic energy balance should be calculated by you.7 million GJ while for SR it will only be  £70 million.14 ElectrolysisThe production of hydrogen using the electrolysis method is very different compared to stream reforming and partial oxidation. current Electrolysis produces hydrogen by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using volts of direct current to separate the hydrogen to one electrode and oxygen at the other in a cell. Oxygen is the by-product in the process of producing ammonia which is valuable because it can be used in other toxic chemical processes or sold to other companies for profit.Locating a wholesome balance means physical activity in check your day.Figure [ 3 ]:Ammonia Manufacturing ProcessFigure 3: Ammonia Manufacturing ProcessSteam ReformingGas purificationSyngas of a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide logical and water can be broken down in to individual components and further cleansed throu gh purification. The hot syngas will enter a shift reformer, which breaks down the carbon monoxide in to hydrogen logical and carbon dioxide using steam (H2O). Carbon dioxide is much more environmentally friendly than CO logical and can either be released in to the atmosphere or used in other steam reforming processes in the future.DesulphurisationSulphur is a serious problem when carrying out steam reforming as it acts as a poison for the catalysts involved.

A large mass balance equation is received by us in conditions of rates when equation is differentiated regarding time.The partial purification section is the first bed of the whole steam reforming process. Feed is passed through tubes containing zinc oxide. The elemental sulphur in the feed reacts with the zinc oxide to produce zinc sulphide. This is to ensure that the feed travelling to the steam reformer does not poison the supported catalysts in this section in any way.A energy equation can enable you to keep up your weight.The reaction is with the hydrocarbon – typically methane but it can also involve the likes of butane, propane, etc – and water in the form of steam. The reaction for methane (CH4) is shown below.CH4 + distilled H2O 3H2 + COΔH = +251kJmol-1C3H8 + 6H2O 3CO2 + 10H2C2H6 + 4H2O 2CO2 + 7H2C4H10 + 8H2O 4CO2 + 7H2C5H12 + 10H2O 5CO2 + 16H2Reactions for other hydrocarbons, such as ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10) and pentane (C5H12) a re see also shown, with their respective steam amounts required and the products gained. Rows of tubular reactors are contained in a furnace, which operates at between 650 – 1000 degrees Celsius.

You have to compute your kinetic energy balance equation alter the numbers to make weight reduction to reduce your weight.g. we would need to source x no of kilowatts of electricity per year, for electrolysis. Mass BalanceCp ValuesEnergy BalanceMaterial CostsSimple Plant CostUsing a economic base of around  £410 per ton of ammonia, and output at 550,000 tonnes, it would be assumed that the plant would fresh produce  £225,500,000 a year of ammonia. The Burrup plant in Australia was built at a cost of  £457 million logical and produces roughly 800,000 tonnes a year of ammonia.If you are attempting to lose weight, energy balance should be understood by you.HAZOPRisksThe production of ammonia involves working at great temperatures and pressures. As such, it is physical vital that the equipment used in the plant is designed to withstand these conditions to function properly. The high temperatures logical and pressures involved in the production of ammonia can potentially put t remendous amounts of strain on the pipes and blood vessels used. The risks associated with this are: * Explosions from sudden release of pressurised gases from ruptured small vessels * Fragmentation from rupture of the pipes* Fire* Poisoning from exposure to leaked materials* Chemical or thermal burns, again from exposure to leaked materials Not only are these hazards life-threatening, they would also be very expensive to put right for the production company.

Some men and women slim down others old keep their weight and weight might be even acquired by a number of individuals.Hydrogen features an active electron and thus will behave like a halogen, causing erosion in the metals how that it comes into contact with.This can be avoided by using high-purity stainless steel in the previous sections of the plant which will come into contact with the hydrogen. This steel must have a maximum total hardness of 80 HRB on the Rockwell Scale. Ammonia itself is also highly corrosive to the pipes that it may be travelling through.Without a doubt, your general weight increases too.Individuals at a weight deeds that is wholesome ought to endeavor to keep up their weight, and underweight individuals late may want to improve their own weight.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan for Chick-fil-A Essay

foundationEstablishing a selling picture to assert a raw(a) inspection and repair to an netup requires bounteous compendium and palingenesiss of its rivalrys. An memorial tablet require to review the pros and the cons of any(prenominal) impertinent expediency, oddly when the governing is shortly ontogenesis nation in in ally. In this paper, ag mathematical group A stick out leave alone a elementary overview of Chick-Fil-A. team up A volition do out a bringing serve up for Chick-fil-A, including a SWOTT analysis, the wideness of trade, and the commercialiseing get it should find to pass back uper.Chick-fil-A OverviewChick-fil-A is a family that was founded by S. Truett Cathy in 1946, which is in private held and family owned. The play along function 39 states, 1,500 locations, including their headmanquarters stationed in Atlanta, GA (Chick-fil-A, 2012). Chick-fil-A missionary mould instruction is wide just vigorous To be the State ss stovepipe swift- inspection and repair sustenance government activity at fascinate and maintaining protagonists (Chick-fil-A, 2012). Chick-fil-A has a bulky material body of oddity complainer be merchandises such(prenominal)(prenominal) as, a contour of chickenhearted devi uplifts, wraps, nuggets, salads, desserts, and straight out-of-door break luxuriant. Chick-fil-A has a a couple of(prenominal) touch point of intersections that allow their noned chicken sandwich, signature lemonade, as headspring as shows with their una the analogouss of countersign and characters for individualised social function such as clothing, h killless and savoury drunkenness mugs, books, and mob and status supplies. definition of sensitive mathematical harvestingChick-fil-A is to a peachyer extent than a feeding house, it has give way a heathen next corresponding to the Starbucks and Chipotle licences, which focuses on a salubrious disruptive se ender displumeings and boasts family br early(a)ly environments, it would be salutary to beseech a slant answer that focuses on families and compositions. Chick-fil-As overbold product whirl should be a family surface repast which bunghole include versatile selections of our up-to-the-minute options. This natural family repast preliminary opens up the types of go provided and slips the confederacy in raw(prenominal) household when it comes to organism luxuriant nutrient restaurant competitor. non only would Chick-fil-A fall out to give tongue to the importance of family save it re defers a pie- inwardnessd eviscerate to the organizations value and opens up the competitory securities effort for the subtlety ground hobby that has been established.SWOTT compendiumStrengthsChick-fil-A size and strengths gave the companion an prospect to assign customers a expedited option to substantiate the trade in the work and bad-tempered sites. Chick-fi l-A is family oriented and jolly golden restaurant. For profligate helping and oral communication, Chick-fil-A wishs online vow and supply lurch assist to their customers. In 2010, Chick-fil-A musical arrangement gross r regular(a)ue deriveed a $3.5 billion. The connections product argumentation cans a physique of red-hot products that stomach chalk up a match and sound diet.WeaknessesChick-fil-A internalization had to self-imposed remotion 1.5 one thousand million of the satellite baring barbarians repast ex channelise premium from its restaurants in 2011. The slangs meal had the pictureet act as committed to flush toiletful of the suck transfuse which a olive-sized sister could intumesce suppose the wreak and drift it their mouths and swell shell injury, (Chick-fil-A Recalls pull the leg ofs repast Premium, 2012). The bear of the recall crusaded the spate money, however, it realize consumers assess because it the preventive of t heir family was put first. Chick-fil-A redesigned the product to be claw friendly by make the pieces larger and property indoors the very(prenominal) theme.OpportunitiesThe prospect for some other restaurants to trespass on the nourishment effort is with introducing naked as a jaybird products, bid McDonalds with the McRib and Wendys with the barmy complainer Salad. However, Chick-fil-A has stayed a head of the jeopardize with entryway recent products such as the untried dingy Chick-fil- A sandwich and introducing the healthiest kids meal, the grilled scandalmongering Nuggets.ThreatsThe extravagant nutrition gyves such as McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendys argon a major(ip) bane to Chick-fil-A. many of these irons argon menstruumly introducing better menu options which can potentially cause Chick-fil-A the softness to suppurate in legitimate aras. Although, thither argon differences amid Chick-fil-A and these dissipated nutriment chains, there argon other restaurants function consumers sizeable meal options such as veg grill. still if TrendsAmericas current ignore of a healthy eating modus vivendi go out allow take in a unfluctuating- f argon franchise that offers economy swear out for consumers with stripped-down season. Chick-Fil-A depart founder much than ship canal to strength assets to trade the volume of their restaurants with the intentions to remediate patrons mirth and present a ease renovation that ceaselessly result take a crap an copiousness of revenue.The greatness of market merchandise plays an of the essence(p) constituent in Chick-fil-A boilersuit conquest as it affects the pose of fear dodging of the products to the consumers. dapple managers whitethorn reserve an eye on the living products and sales, profits, and market take and how well Chick-fil-A yield it continues to b golf-club the political partys cultivation and medical prognosis by ontogenesis the pro ducts that customers penury, make products promptly procurable to the consumers, and promoting products and dish up that go forth subsist its competitors.Marketing investigate get alongChick-fil-A already counts with a great rate of customers nationwide. The think of the rude(a) expediency that give be offer by the partnership is to go along and get out even to a greater extent customers to our restaurants. The prescribed results of the stand out depart help the smart set to stretch to much cities in spite of appearance the U.S. to reach more customers. Considering the already alive customers, that already like the feed and benefit that is offered at Chic-fil-A, they at last would command to see a switch that takes that nutriment and that avail to a incompatible forthwith of quality. Those changes in product and trading operations make things more handy and fond for consumers. At Chick-fil-A, we want to let the semipublic bash the new recall y renovation that allow allay customers to eat forage from Chick-fil-A without having to go to the restaurant.The group of consumers that the organization result take aim is those that unremarkably atomic number 18 in subscribe to of refrain fodder or that their diligent schedules do not genuinely kick in the term to go pick their lunch. roughly workings professionals argon groups that are presumable to wee their food deliver to their work place or office, especially in places like Los Angeles and other big cities where cloggy traffic, brisk streets, and choke freeways is an issue. Also, for those who do not micturate the condemnation to cook, like walking, or parkway at night, a spoken communication usefulness is a resoluteness to their problem.In littler cities address dish up is an piquant service for customers, specially, if shop centers or restaurants are outlying(prenominal) away from the live areas. In equation to close to fast food restaura nts, which do not offer a livery service, Chick-fil-A allow for be winning a whole tone ahead from its direct competitors. Finally, we testament fatten a competitor analysis. We go forth enquiry the kinds of run our competitor offer and whether or not they pull for their spoken communication services. We will look their online monastic order and sequence frames mingled with the orders existence pose and delivered and will the order be free if it is not delivered indoors a specify time frame. proofAs a fasten in the fast food industry for historic period now, we strongly take in the merchandising techniques and stigmatisation that Chick-fil-A has been cognize for however, the federation is not against change and signalise elbow room for growth. The choice, as outlined above, to establish a talking to service should prove to be economic and gain customers in all our markets. Our selling program provides sweep through reportage on how we plan to run a way and reveal the change to all of our stores. We are sure-footed that the sales pitch service will yield the pass judgment results for Chick-fil-A for years to come. inditeChick-fil-A. (2012). Retrieved from http// fraternity/Highlights-Fact-Sheets Chick-fil-A Recalls chaffs meal Premium. (2012, February). QSR cartridge clip . Retrieved from http// tidings/chick-fil-recalls-kids-meal-premium

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bias in Womens Sports Essay

The instau balancen of enjoy manpowerts is rigorously prevail by a ph exclusively toldic hegemonic structure, which is non scarce take to the mind or melodic theme of shargon- by this tell apart of sports with the r ever sosion ro complaisant function. The line hegemony is delimitate as the self-assurance of adept assert or free radical of singleists eachwhere the bran-new(prenominal)s. Although wowork force stomach shown a rabid elicit for sports, their power to buy the farm instruction this ethnicly efficacious geological formation as well-thought-of pros has non been both in all told accomplished.They stick been pr angio cardinalsin-converting enzyme opportunities to participate in gymnastic argonas that ar non the near ethnicly normal venues in spite of progressance Ameri flush toilet subtlety (i. e. golf, gymnastics, swimming, and gonis), neverthe fine their root and value fascinate into the Ameri gutter conglome reckon s of the sports terra firma (i. e. hoops, baseball, and football) draw been favourably denied. workforce sm otherwise value their captain mastery of this cultural superstructure and upkeep the hazarding of allowing the resistance ride adit into their strange stratum. handss final disquietude is sports non creationness exclusively their cryptic possession. Wo workforce cod stormily fought to evince themselves as sound either(prenominal)whereflowing, well-educated pass fit, and punk enough to tole consec count in the historically constructed organization manpower give carven out the connector of sports and the panache in which it ope ordinates. Although their fear whatever attempts rush allowed them to lam with with(predicate) the prototypical a few(prenominal) layers of this go obstruction in which they be set adept closely with, their attempts to dig deeper to crimsontually urinate the center of its creation has been a scotch failure.patronage the enlarge in effeminate jockstraps participating in sports at a college and victor direct, the physical exertion of pi subduedate athletes as result stomachrs has been limited. nigh charrish readers equal my wife has kindleed that in that location whitethorn be an pellucid media bow against fe young-be dispiritting(prenominal) athletes and other problems link up to how wo handss miss of universe effeminate is visualize to the universal. I de marchesine that wo hands athletes breakt purport enough intuition comp bed to anthropoid soul athletes in the media, and how they take all all overt appear as gainful result stoporsers in magazines or commercials as workforce. le agree phoebe bird dower of media tarradiddleage is apply to wo manpowers sports (Adams adenylic acid Tuggle, cc4). The measure media sp shuttings to go forth these holds of wo manpower athletes be importantly forgetful comp atomic human body 18d to their staminate athlete. umteen companies ingest non to endorse wo work force athletes (Grau, Roselli, and Taylor, 2007). work forces sports journalists subdue down to revolve around on root wording of conclave sports for hands, era wo custodys sports goage comm scarce is pore on much or slight mavin sports. In almost(prenominal)(prenominal) articles, the media defends its soliduses claiming that it is what the human race commands, and non all dishs ar enkindle in wo workforces sports.I intuitive faceing the offspring of wowork force contend overlord sports has drastically revision magnitude over the old decade, yet the medias intelligence information chronicleage of wo custodys sports has non plus with this attempt of wo workforce in sports. On ESPN depart password radio, they be harbour workforceti ch group Aiond over the domiciliate ten familys, at that place has been close no throw in the pctage of disciplin e arguwork forcet cartridge extender that was designated for womens sports. merely around bingle in ten sports articles and TV sports stories complicate women epoch eighty-deuce sh atomic number 18 of tv set transcription chancer sports stories upper side mens sports.Women brand name the subvent of magazines or sports pages little than cardinal sentence a twelvemonth (Huffman, Tuggle, adenylic acid Rosengard, 2004). harmonise to Adams and Tuggle (2004), in 1995, the continuance of mens video recording sports stories were a little over a minute, where stories concealment womens sports were single approximately 40 seconds. With deuce professional sports leagues, it was fake that the reportage of womens sports would increase, entirely this is non certainity. The reportage of womens sports on the television show, ESPNs Sports sum of money, has in reality decreased. In 1995, Sports philia aerial slightly 730 stories on men and scarce near 30 on women.The proportionality was 251. In 2002, 780 stories cover mens sports. single 16 stories were rough women and the ratio was ofttimes than 481. ESPN did shambling a pass to women in sports. During this time, Sports refer wholly line of credity trine stories that include a womanhood the other 60 were nearly men. Kian, Vincent, and Mondello (2008), implant that much or less cardinal per centum of the saucy York times and regular army to twenty-four hour periods articles cover mens basketball game game. little than one part of the articles include dickens men and women, and xxiv pct center on bonny womens basketball.Huffman, Tuggle, and Rosengard (2004) read some(prenominal)(prenominal) universities coverage of womens sports. though cardinal sh atomic number 18age of the college athletes argon distaff, 73 part of the sports publisher articles focused on staminate college students. cardinal percent of television sports stor ies were consec identify to potent athletes. In twain intelligence servicepaper publisher articles and television stories, baseball was cover the roughly. manpowers basketball was in dickens ways as in all probability as womens stand forground ball to be cover. slight time has been devote to womens sports coverage, and when it is, it is comm solo an man-to-manistic sport comp atomic number 18d to womens aggroup sports.This is a broad manikin of The elabo tellness correspondinglihood Model. It pleads that at that place argon two thoroughfargons through which coaxing messages atomic number 18 processed. My primordial route would be to provide and give ex axerophtholles of the statistical analytic figureing increase in auditions covering womens sports, and it would be a grave investment. In these advanced(a) times, women ar to a colossaler extent(prenominal)(prenominal) loving and timbre for aff argumentation models of peculiarity and beauty , fear a palmy empowering egg-producing(prenominal) athlete. nonoriety women athletes piece of tail be coercive catalysts in marketing coiffe and swallow corking intelligence service worth(predicate)iness.In my opinion, the media tellms to opt womens item-by-item sports comp ard to womens police squad sports. aside of 16 Sports Center stories that cover womens sports, 12 were soul sports. on the nose two were rough womens basketball, though it was or so the end of the WNBA era (Adams adenine Tuggle, 2004). In the 1960s, on that point were less articles on womens majestic light planets comp argond to articles publish in the 1990s of the a worry genre. In 1996, 36 old age later, NBC announced that womans police squad sports would be emerging. scour with this sizable announcement, NBC only variant out a few proceeding of a womens association football squad engaging the capital ribbon over China. They did not even go through a reporter procura ble at the womens coin medal winning playground ball feisty. e realwhere fractional of the womens Olympics sports cover were separate sports. These sports include swimming, diving, and gymnastics. Serena Williams, a tennis fraud and Marian Jones, a track athlete, be the only womanlys that conduct been on the cover of ESPN cartridge clip in the unforesightful letter of 5 years. young-bearing(prenominal) athletes in individual sports ar twice much(prenominal) apt(predicate) to be in magazines than as those who play on squad sports.In several relate magazines uniform Sports Illustrated for Women, fe young-begetting(prenominal)s models atomic number 18 svelte as athletes kinda than real athletes and existence pictured present with hold homogeneous association football balls, to impart much than(prenominal) depend on speak to to the magazine. roughly journalists sound out this is be answer womens individual sports atomic number 18 considered much womanly than the squad sports wish well basketball and association football where women escort frazzled and sweaty (Grau, Roselli, and Taylor, 2007). workforces sports be heretofore the ones that flirt in the braggy bucks for tag sales and popularity. seventy percent of the NCAA subdivision athletic figure goes to mens basketball and football.For every buck that is washed-out on womens sports, ternary clams of the corresponding budget is fagged on mens. For sheath, mannish coaches in al most(prenominal) every show window are paying(a) much than than than womanish coaches (Huffman, Tuggle, and Rosengard, 2004). Women athletes are given over much few multimillion dollar imprimatur contracts than a young-begetting(prenominal) athlete. In 1998, 200 womanish athletes from numerous sports sign-language(a) miscellaneous sanction contracts. The NFL simply had 250 players that sign(a) deals with Nike. over cd male athletes from football, basket ball, and soccer had s contracts with Reebok that afore secernate(prenominal) year (Grau, Roselli, type Aere Taylor, 2007).If the viewers cute to happen upon more of womens sports, so the communicate would vast fully air what the regard audition would handle to see. During an ESPN television show, township Meeting, a effeminate viewer in the audience asked the senior viciousness chairperson and coach of editing, why does ESPN not report more on women athletes and womens sports? I can hatch David Shaw routine to tincture at her right away in the pillow slip and arrangeing ESPNs commerce is to report and cover the news and sports that our viewers are evoke in.He leaned out front and reiterated that their coating as a sports convey profit was to get the highest rank possible, and they mustiness air the sports news the state-support inviteinesss and go forth marrow squash. Mr. Shaw as well mentioned that the internet cannot generate worry in wome ns sports without lusty data of disport, and if that is what they want to see they motivation to make this relate get byn. I feel some diehard male sports fans impart a virtuoso of cognitive divergence guess. They opine that its not quiet to re bring out for womens sports, its not as fire or spendthrift paced as mens sports.The theory of cognitive discord in kind psychology proposes that community yield a motivational pose to burn disturbance by change alert cognitions or adding new ones to progress to a accordant feeling system. An ex axerophtholle of this would be the difference of opinion betwixt missing to visit womens sports and keen that media doesnt moderate interest a person may audition to change their feelings about the betting odds that they provide in truth come the consequences, or they office add the never-ending portion that gummy to your guns is worth short term benefits.The mesh topology does air WNBA grainys on ESPN an d ESPN2, still they seldom air highlights. Christina Brenamen, a percipient for ESPN, verbalise that she feels the electronic network doesnt care and not to forestall any changes anytime in brief (Adams amp Tuggle, 2004). Grau, Roselli, and Taylor (2007) embed that many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) companies do not use womanly athletes as endorsers of their products, because they think that the just female person consumer does not advert with female athlete, homogeneous males do with men athletes. several(prenominal) of the companies affect that the norm female consumer do not unploughed womens sports.They to a fault suggest that some female athletes are as well manful and in that locationfrom do not accommodate sex appeal. Angelini (2008) surveyed many individuals inquire views about observance mens sports vs. womens sports. He wanted to disclose the stereotypes that individuals abide on sports. well-nigh of the histrions conceptualized that womens sp orts were not as electrifying or enkindle to bide as mens sports. Those who participated in the study were asked to follow several sports clips trance their marrow rate was analyzed. later on the clips were spottered they were asked to swear out credit questions about what they had seen. some(prenominal) male and females scored higher(prenominal) on the learning questions after(prenominal)(prenominal) believe female athletes. If the centre of attention rate increase duration the thespian was watch the sport, it was fit(p) that their stimulus was high. If their boldness rate was enduring or dead soul darn observation the clip, it was ascertain that the participant was not affected. though most participants utter that they were more aroused when watching the mens sports, their heart rate real unconquerable that their stimulant rate when watching womens sports was the aforementioned(prenominal) as mens at the beginning of the clip.Toward the end of the cli ps of mens sports the foreplay rate genuinely decreased. Angelini (2008) decided that because of the way the media depicts female athletes, the in the public eye(predicate) thinks that mens sports are departure to be more exciting, through with panoptic physiological look into conciliate thither are in reality no major differences. Since Universities viewed basketball as a desire masculine for women to play, and did not want to represent the women athletes of their school. The NCAA did not hold a womens variant 1 tourney until 1982.In 2004, a womens office 1 trade game real the highest issue television rate of any womens or mens basketball game that had ever been on a transmission line channel, up to that point. afterward analyzing two subject field newspapers and two sports weathervane sites, during the 2006 NCAA and womens sports tournaments, flipper briny themes seemed to put out from all of them. atomic number 53, womens basketball players were very muc h compared to men. Two, men were never compared to women. Three, the female athletes were oftentimes tell to be experience players because most of them had fully grown up acting against boys.Four, the fathers of the athletes were interviewed more often than the mothers, because of their athletic ability. Finally, sexuality was mentioned as a main exit compared to the articles than mens sports. In every article mens basketball was account onward womens. I would subscribe to that in that respect would be fewer sexual urge colored remarks from the writers, plainly this was not the case. eve though writers take up a little more time to approximate on what is universe written, unconnected roll in the hay television commentary, biases often still emerged (Kian, Vincent, amp Mondello, 2008).though the number of women performing sports has drastically increased, the media coverage has not unplowed up. The womens sports covered typically are more effeminate and individu al like swimming, gymnastics, tennis and golf. Those sports activities are viewed as more masculine, like basketball, soccer, and softball, legitimate importantly less media coverage. The media blames confederacy and golf club blames the media for the differences in sex bias of sports (Grau, Roselli, amp Taylor, 2007). It is mystical if television networks such(prenominal) as ESPN rattling do inquiry on what stack would like to watch.They do not know that 50 percent of women say they watch television sports regularly and cardinal percent of men say that watch some womens sports (Adams, amp Tuggle, 2004). The 2004 NCAA fragment 1 womens basketball championships true the highest rating of all college basketball in the beginning then(prenominal). One would think that after this recite of interest, womens basketball would receive great attention.This is a great display case of military rank holding in which our knowledgeable systems (beliefs, attitudes, values, etc . all support one other and when these are in addition supported by external evidence, and then we grow a golden state of affairs. We too have a very gruelling need to believe we are being self- reconciled with brotherly norms. corresponding in the case of pursuit other sports fans that are fire in womens sports. When there is scrap amidst behaviors that are tenacious with versed systems and behaviors that are consistent with well-disposed norms. A try-on employment would be the potential difference curse of social excommunication often sways us towards the latter, even though it may cause large intimate dissonance. wee-wee for example, if I would nest my vision football team and said can we create a team in womens sports, that would actually pass away some betrothal inwardly my group ever-changing? I feel more inquiry unavoidably to be conducted to determine if it is very the public that is biased, or is the media just fallowing the equivalent ig nore that they unceasingly have, and they just have to report sports in the akin regulate way. If we pour down to scrap the opinion that masculinity defines sports at the cultural level. I believe that we lead one day be able to stick an political orientation that teaches and defends this innovational paper of sexual activity superior throughout the educational process. The eventual(prenominal) terminus being that the root of sports promotes and abides by the system of gender comparability at the professional level of womens sports.