Monday, August 24, 2020

African American Literature essays

African American Literature articles In his Autobiography of an Ex-hued Man, James Weldon Johnson investigates the importance of going in an American culture. The peruser never learns the name of the storyteller in the novel, yet you discover that its of little significance. The emergency all through the novel places on the storyteller finding his personality. Now and again the storyteller laments his inability to the dark race, he says, I am a common white man who has brought in a minimal expenditure. They are men who are impacting the world forever and a race. (p.861) But this vulnerability is the core of the novel, ordering people simply by the shade of skin is rash and discretionary. While uncovering his choice, the ex-shaded man dismisses his dark race and distorts his solid uniqueness. There are numerous makes that lead his advancement to pass. (Every resulting citation originate from The Norton Anthology, African American Literature.) There are numerous causes that may have driven the focal character to pass; one model ponders his childhood. His mom lets him know, The best blood of the South is in you, (p.784) when the storyteller asks whom his dad is. Obviously, his mom was pleased with (maybe still enamored with) this proper white man who gave her a child. His pretty and savvy mother, his sole parent, advanced on the planet by interfacing her predetermination to that of a white man's. From this, the focal character saw the adoration his mom had for a white man. So the focal characters brassy choices bode well considering his past. He was recounted his dads pleased standing and insightful achievements. This affected the thought onto the character, that so as to be effective and content you should be white. The focal character fantasies about, carrying wonder and respect to the Negro race. (p.788) But in actuality, he gives up to the more self-serving decision of passing and ignores his bla ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

MF Global Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MF Global - Research Paper Example The administrators before that month's over made it official that more than 700 million USD had been moved. They, be that as it may, couldn't repay this capital with their income making it fall into more obligation. Toward the finish of the liquidation time frame, clients of MF Global made misfortunes that totalled over 1.6 billion dollars, and a larger part have not gotten their assets till today. Contrast between leading extortion and money related review Audits are done to guarantee the smooth running of tasks. They might be done after some time according to the organization’s demand, as on account of budgetary reviewing. Besides, they might be subjective and all of a sudden, as on account of extortion inspecting. There are various sorts of reviews, completed for various purposes. There are reasons that encompass every one of these reviews. One principle reason is the precision of money related data in the association. This is one motivation behind why monetary reviews are completed, and they should be possible by a certified, autonomous gathering or government unit. Extortion reviewing is regularly done to find a portion of the shrouded figures in the monetary information of an association (Hagan, 2012). This implies, outside gatherings might be acquired to lead a misrepresentation review, however inward evaluators of an association might be liable for budgetary examining. ... In the event that there is the affirmation of misrepresentation, genuine lawful implications may result (Hagan, 2012). There must be a degree of obligation regarding the evaluating firm in the two cases. On the off chance that there are any budgetary inconsistencies in the money related divisions or activities, it is dependent upon them to uncover this data. This may prompt the sparing of capital that would have in any case been lost in information. Extortion reviewing may require somewhat more time and exertion to recognize what data might be feeling the loss of that is vital in the budgetary docket. A code of morals needs to manage all the gatherings required to guarantee their undertakings are done in like manner. The commitment of corporate CEOs to investors and workers about the firm’s money related action The development of an association implies that the CEO may have an overwhelming errand of watching out for everything that goes on in the firm. They should designate a portion of the obligations to subordinates. This aides in guaranteeing that there is a hierarchy of leadership that is followed before getting to the top. Nonetheless, they might not have full power over what subordinates may do, so it is dependent upon them to guarantee all issues identifying with the money related parts of the firm are accounted for legitimately to them. The investors of the association are the most significant piece of the firm. CEO’s ought to be the voice of the association and any money related action going on ought to be accounted for to the individuals in question (Hagan, 2012). The CEO needs to tell the investors of the individuals responsible for the exercises, and what they have to do in the event that they have any grumblings or recommendations. As CEO, it is one’s employment to comprehend what goes on in the firm in

Friday, July 24, 2020

Julius G. Blocker, MIA 56, Donates $3.5 Million for Exchange Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Julius G. Blocker, MIA ’56, Donates $3.5 Million for Exchange Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog SIPA is pleased to announce the Julius Blocker Scholars Fellowship Program. Through a $3.5 million bequest from the estate of alumnus Julius G. Blocker, MIA ’56, SIPA will endow a program to “fund and foster an international student exchange program between SIPA and a German university.” Mr. Blocker was a Fulbright scholar in West Berlin while he was at Columbia University. Of the Fulbright experience, Mr. Blocker stated that “it was one of the best years of my life.” He strongly valued the experience and the opportunity to immerse himself fully in the language and culture of Germany and Berlin. His gift to SIPA will allow students to have the same opportunities that he had studying abroad. As part of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN), SIPA has a partnership with the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and will implement the Blocker Scholars program in the next academic year.   This scholarship will cover the cost of tuition, transportation, room, board, health insurance, and living expenses. Students will be selected in a publicly announced competition. Mr. Blocker divided his estate between his undergraduate school, Hobart and William Smith College, and SIPA. The School is truly grateful for this transformational gift.

Friday, May 22, 2020

12 castigos por no pagar child support

Cuando un padre o una madre que no vive habitualmente con su hijo no paga la pensià ³n de alimenticia  Ã¢â‚¬â€œtambià ©n conocida como manutencià ³n o  child support en inglà ©s- puede sufrir consecuencias de diversa naturaleza, incluso de carà ¡cter migratorio. En Estados Unidos, esta obligacià ³n afecta a todos los padres o madres que no conviven habitualmente con sus hijos, incluidos los migrantes indocumentados.  ¿Quà © es la pensià ³n alimenticia o child support? La pensià ³n de alimenticia o manutencià ³n, conocida en inglà ©s como child support, es la cantidad de dinero que un padre o una madre que no vive con sus hijos debe pagar al progenitor que sà ­ convive con ellos para su mantenimiento. En el caso de que los padres no està ©n ni hayan estado casados, la paternidad deberà ¡ probarse o reconocerse  primero. 12 castigos por no pagar la pensià ³n de alimentos Pueden variar de estado a estado, pero en general puede significar que el padre o la madre que no paga la pensià ³n de alimentos cuando tiene obligacià ³n de hacerlo puede sufrir una o varias de las siguientes consecuencias que tienen que ser acordadas en corte y mediante orden judicial: Embargo (garnirshment, en inglà ©s) de parte de la nà ³mina  (payroll). En este caso se le entrega mensualmente la cantidad embargada al padre o a la madre que conviven con el menor.Embargo de una parte de lo que cobra por desempleo.Embargo de las cuentas de banco.Embargo de la cantidad de devolucià ³n que se obtiene del gobierno federal o del estado tras rellenar las planillas de los impuestos (tax returns).Multas, que pueden ser fijadas por la agencia estatal que se ocupa de pensià ³n de alimentos o por una corte. Las multas son el origen de deudas finales altas cuando lo que se debà ­a inicialmente por impago del child support era mucho mà ¡s bajo.Pena de prisià ³n. Tiene que ser decretada por una corte y generalmente se da en situaciones de desacato a la corte (contempt) o se trata de una persona que ha incumplido en mà ¡s de una ocasià ³n. Son muy raras las penas de prisià ³n superiores a seis meses.Expulsià ³n del Ejà ©rcito, en el caso de militares.  Notificaci à ³n a los credit  bureau, lo cual puede afectar  negativamente al  crà ©dito.Suspensià ³n de la licencia de manejar.Anulacià ³n del pasaporte estadounidense o no entrega de uno que se solicita  siempre y cuando la deuda por impago sea igual o  o superior a $2,500.  Efectos migratorios para obtencià ³n de beneficiosPena de cà ¡rcel para los padres que se mudan a otro estado En este à ºltimo caso, el padre o la madre que incumple con su obligacià ³n de pagar el child support se muda de estado con la intencià ³n de que sea mà ¡s difà ­cil hacerle cumplir puede ser condenado por un delito federal, en aplicacià ³n de la ley que se conoce como Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. Esta ley prevà © penas de cà ¡rcel para los padres que se mudan a otro estado y dejan de pagar por mà ¡s de un aà ±o y deben mà ¡s de $5,000 o no han pagado por mà ¡s de dos aà ±os y el monto supera los $10,000. Si se trata de una primera ofensa, la pena de prisià ³n puede ser acordada hasta un mà ¡ximo de seis meses. Para los que es su segunda ofensa, la pena de prisià ³n puede alcanzar los dos aà ±os. Ademà ¡s, se sigue teniendo la obligacià ³n de pagar los atrasos. Consecuencias migratorias si no pagan el child support El no pagar la pensià ³n de alimentos a los hijos puede tener distintos efectos migratorios. Por ejemplo: Los residentes permanentes que desean convertirse en ciudadanos americanos por medio del proceso de naturalizacià ³n pueden ver que su peticià ³n es rechazada. Asimismo, el no pagar la pensià ³n de alimentos puede tener consecuencias graves en todos aquellos casos en los que es necesario acreditar buen carà ¡cter y/o la ley concede discrecià ³n para conceder un beneficio migratorio a un oficial o a un juez de inmigracià ³n. Como ejemplo de casos migratorios en esta categorà ­a destacan: El ajuste de estatus  para adquirir la tarjeta de residencia permanente.La cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n.Y la salida voluntaria.La obtencià ³n de la green card por el registry.Por à ºltimo, no olvidar que los casos de no pago de la pensià ³n de alimentos puede acabar en casos extremos en un arresto. Por ejemplo, en el caso de  indocumentados, puede significar posiblemente su deportacià ³n. Por otro lado, cobrar child support no se considera welfare ni carga pà ºblica y no afecta a la hora de recibir un beneficio migratorio.  ¿Quà © hacer cuando no se puede pagar child support? Todos los padres y madres tienen la obligacià ³n de contribuir al mantenimiento de sus hijos. Sin embargo, en ocasiones es muy difà ­cil hacer frente a esta obligacià ³n econà ³mica. Por ejemplo, en los casos de despido o de enfermedad. Pero teniendo en cuenta las consecuencias serias del impago nunca se debe dejar de pagar sin mà ¡s. Ademà ¡s de notificar al otro progenitor sobre la incapacidad temporal para pagar es recomendable hacerlo saber tambià ©n a la agencia estatal o local que se ocupa de estos asuntos (en la mitad de este artà ­culo aparece un enlace para busca el que corresponda al estado en el que se debe pagar). Tambià ©n se puede buscar en internet por child support agency y aà ±adiendo el nombre del lugar en el que se reside. Ademà ¡s, considerar si procede solicitar en corte una modificacià ³n del acuerdo de pago de pensià ³n alimenticia. Mientras se encuentra una solucià ³n, es recomendable hacer un esfuerzo para hacer frente al pago del child support o al menos contribuir parcialmente con lo que se pueda. Pero nunca dejar de pagar sin notificarlo. Casos especiales: infante en Estados Unidos y progenitor otro paà ­s Puede darse el caso en el que un nià ±o en USA no recibe el pago de papà ¡ o mamà ¡ que està ¡ en otro paà ­s, pero que el incumplidor sà ­ ingresa a los Estados Unidos. Puede estar hacià ©ndolo como turista o porque tiene una visa de trabajo và ¡lida. En este caso se puede notificar la situacià ³n a la oficina de Aplicacià ³n de Inmigracià ³n y Aduanas (ICE). Y ahà ­Ã‚  pedir que se le revoque la visa y que no pueda entrar a Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n puede darse un caso distinto. Si el menor està ¡ en Estados Unidos y el padre o la madre que no paga està ¡ en el extranjero, se puede obligarle a pagar en corte. Y es que Estados Unidos tiene un acuerdo con 77 paà ­ses para hacer posible que los nià ±os reciban de sus padres y madres la pensià ³n de alimentos. Casos especiales: infante fuera de Estados Unidos y progenitor en este paà ­s Hay casos en el que los nià ±os està ¡n en el extranjero y su progenitor en Estados Unidos y à ©ste no cumple con la obligacià ³n establecida legalmente de pasarle una pensià ³n de alimentos. En estos casos se puede recurrir a un abogado estadounidense para que haga valer en corte esa obligacià ³n. Ademà ¡s, si el paà ­s en el que vive el nià ±o tiene acuerdos con los estados de USA en el que vive el padre (o la madre) que no paga pensià ³n alimenticia, se puede solicitar que cumpla con su obligacià ³n con la ayuda de ese gobierno. Por ejemplo, en el caso de Mà ©xico se puede reclamar con bastante à ©xito cuando el nià ±o es mexicano, se encuentra allà ­ y el papà ¡ està ¡ en uno de los estados con los que hay un acuerdo de este tipo. Incluso en los casos en los que el padre o la madre obligado al pago sea un inmigrante indocumentado. Tambià ©n puede darse un caso distinto. Si el menor està ¡ en Estados Unidos y el padre o la madre que no paga està ¡ en el extranjero, se puede obligarle a pagar en corte. Y es que Estados Unidos tiene un acuerdo con 77 paà ­ses para hacer posible que los nià ±os reciban de sus padres y madres la pensià ³n de alimentos. Puntos Clave: Pago de Child Support Los padres o las madres que no conviven con sus hijos tienen obligacià ³n de contribuir a su mantenimiento, es lo que en EE.UU. se conoce como child support o pensià ³n de alimentos o manutencià ³n. Esta obligacià ³n tambià ©n afecta a los migrantes indocumentados.La cantidad del pago del child support se fija por acuerdo entre los padres, a falta del mismo cada estado establece unas calculadoras para fijarlo.Todos los estados tienen oficinas pà ºblicas para ayudar a reclamar las pensiones por alimentos.El padre o la madre que no paga puede sufrir castigos monetarios, civiles y migratorios. En casos graves puede incluso recibir pena de prisià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

business plan - 1299 Words

The Business plan LOTUS Sun-Block Cream The Business plan could take hundreds of hours to prepare, depending on the experience and knowledge of the entrepreneur as well as the purpose it is intended to serve m It should be comprehensive enough to give any potential investor a complete picture and understanding of the new venture and will help the entrepreneur clarify his or her thinking about the business. 1. Introductory Page: 2. Executive Summary 3. Environmental and Industry Analysis 4. Description of Venture 5. Production Plan : The function of a manufacturing enterprise responsible for the efficient planning, scheduling, and coordination of all production activities. The planning phase involves forecasting demand and†¦show more content†¦B2B marketers should list your target audiences by category (such as lawyers, doctors, shopping malls) and include any qualifying criteria for each. Section 3- Goals: In one page or less, list your company s marketing goals for the coming year. The key is to make your goals realistic and measurable so that you can easily evaluate your performance. Increase sales of peripherals is an example of an ineffective goal. You d be in a much better position to gauge your marketing progress with a goal such as, Increase sales of peripherals 10 percent in the first quarter, 15 percent in the second quarter, 15 percent in the third quarter and 10 percent in fourth quarter. Section 4: Strategies and Tactics: This section will make up the bulk of your plan, and you should take as much space as you need to give an overview of your marketing strategies and list each of the corresponding tactics you ll employ to execute them. Here s an example: A client of mine markets videotape and equipment. One of her goals is to increase sales to large ministries in three states by 20 percent. Together we ve developed a strategy that includes making a special offer each month to this prospect group, and one of her tactics is to use monthly e-mails to market to an in-house list. Your tactics section should include all the actionable steps you plan to take for advertising, public relations, direct mail, trade showsShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan For A Business Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pagesbrand-new business, expand an existing company, or get financing for a business venture, you will need to write a business plan. A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success. Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan. What to Include in Your Business Plan Your businessRead MoreBusiness Plan For A New Venture1355 Words   |  6 PagesA business plan can be used for beginning a new business, to create a more profitable business or for consideration of new services and ideas. A business plan is a written document that gives details on a business idea or venture and present the outlook of the business over a number of years. This plan will guide the business project management and operations, assist in vital decisions and measure performance. There are many types of business plans and not one of them is considered a universal planRead MoreEssay about Creating a Business Plan1119 Words   |  5 Pagesyou must have guidelines, so to speak, to know where you are heading in the future. That is why before you can start a business you need to draw up a detailed business plan. Business plans are considered blueprints. 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The business plan follows the general format used in the restaurant/hospitalityRead MoreRenee Business Plan5082 Words   |  21 PagesBusiness Plan for a Startup Business The business plan consists of a narrative and several financial worksheets. The narrative template is the body of the business plan. It contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections. Work through the sections in any order that you want, except for the Executive Summary, which should be done last. Skip any questions that do not apply to your type of business. When you are finished writing your first draft, you’ll have a collection of small essaysRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1546 Words   |  7 Pagesenterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative or risk†. They are usually characterized as people with greatly valued self-reliance, with high optimism and people who who strive for distinction through excellence. I am interested in starting my own basketball business and becoming an entrepreneur. In order to start a business I need a business plan. From research, I have learned that my business plan needs to have an executive summary, identification of my business, financial recordsRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business840 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Business plans are statement of a business goals, reason they are attainable and plans on meeting it’ (FoxBuisness, 2013). A business plan maps the course and gives a detail plan on how these goals are achievable. It is also important to establish a solid business plan for funding. Some small business use venture capital, bank loans, personal funds, and private investors as sources of funding. The business plan must therefore, sell investors. A well-written convincing business plan can buy investorsRead MoreBusiness Plan1439 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Plan What is Blueberry Nights? Type: bar and restaurant for young people Category: II. class Service method: plate service Menu type: A’la Carte Opening hours: Sunday to Wednesday 10:00-22:00 Thursday to Saturday 13:00-05:00 No day off Target market: students, tourists and residents Location: Budapest, Margit kà ¶rà ºt Few steps from Margaret Island Easy to reach by tram Seating capacity: 120 (80+40) 1st floor: kitchen area, 80 seated restaurant, bar, armchairsRead Morebusiness plan5494 Words   |  22 Pagesbecause we as a young generation that want to open new shop sold the â€Å"Keropok Leko†. OBJECTIVE OF THE ORGANIZATION Every business opportunity begins with the existence of various customers needs and wants for particular product or service. A need is something that is basic in life such as food, clothes and shelter. Therefore, our companies take these advantages and venture a business based on food industries. Our main activity is to manufacture keropok lekor that is made from fish paste, flour, and saltsRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1866 Words   |  8 Pages Business Plan Buiness model in theory and practice according to Wikipedia is used for a broad range of informal and forma l descriptions to represent the core aspects of a business, including the purposes of that business, its process, target customers, of ferings, strategies , infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practice, and operational processes and policies . Below, we would look at two kinds of business model (franchise and tradition al business) , their pros and cons, o r their

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Life Cycle Analysis for Brick Free Essays

Life Cycle Analysis For Brick 1Materials are very important in construction industry because with the combination of different material, we can create a very strong and unique building form. There are many type of material that commonly used in the construction industry, for example the glass, woods, bricks, stones, marble, concretes and etc. Brick is one of the most commonly used materials in Malaysia, because almost every house in housing area was built by bricks. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Cycle Analysis for Brick or any similar topic only for you Order Now From this essay I want to give analysis about the brick life cycle included its origin and how the brick being used after the end of its life cycle. 2Brick was appeared since the beginning of the civilization, which is the ancient Mesopotamia around 8000 BC. (Think Brick Australia 2007) The thick clay and mud leave by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers was reinforced with straw and shaped into brick and then dried in the sun. Bricks were glazed in a variety of colours as the time progressed and used to decorate the facades of the ziggurat, or temple towers, built as stairways to and for the Gods. In the end, people started to realize that when the wooden houses burned and the brick on the remaining chimneys had been strengthened, so fire-hardened bricks began to replace adobe ones in India and the Middle East. And the Romans used kiln-burned brick in conjunction with an efficient mortar of lime and volcanic ash to construct buildings that were both beautiful and last longer. Think Brick Australia 2007) 3Brick is a masonry unit of clay, formed into a rectangular prism while plastic and hardened by firing in a kiln. The manufacture of bricks is used easily workable and clayey materials and the materials are avoided to contain any large hard components or lumps of lime, this is to avoid crack and split of the brick. We can obtain clay on the surface of the ground. There are three principal form of clay used to manufactured clay brick which are surface clay, shales, and fire clays. The surface clays is sedimentary clays which found near the surface of the earth, shales is clay that have been subjected to high pressures until they have hardened almost to the form of slate, and the fire clays is clays which have found deeper in the ground than other types and to have refractory qualities. These three principal forms of clays have similar chemical compositions but appear in different physical. The clays can easily be found and to extract because usually we can find it in the ground surface. After the clay has been extract from the ground, it covered with water, usually used to be work by hand with special hoe. There are several processes to form a brick which are soft mud process, stiff mud process and dry-press process. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) The soft mud process refers to forming brick by molding relatively wet clay having a moisture content of 20 percent to 30 percent. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) The Stiff mud process refers to forming brick and structural tile by extruding stiff but plastic clay having moisture content of 12 percent to 15 percent and then the de-airing machine will removes air and eliminating holes and bubbles in the clay. Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) After that the clay is force through die and cutting the extrusion to length with wires before to heat the finish in the kiln. The dry-press process refers to forming brick by molding relatively dry or low plasticity clay which having moisture content of 5 percent to 7 percent under high pressure, the resulting of this process is sharp-edged, smooth-surfaced bricks. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) 4The most imp ortant step to form a stronger brick is through the drying and firing process. There are three different kinds generally used the humidity system of drying can be applied to any type of dryer, as the term humidity drying represents a process rather than a form of structural design. Humidity drying may be divided into three stages: first is the heating stage, during which the clay is gradually heated up in an atmosphere of relatively high humidity, this prevents excessive cracking or distorting on the face of the brick. After that is the drying period, in which the air is heated to a maximum temperature for the clay being dried, the humidity is gradually decreased to allow the clay to dry uniformly all the way through. And the third which is the cooling stage, in which the temperature is gradually decreased to uniformity. The clay is not fully dried when placed in the kiln. Hygroscopic water is not driven off at ordinary temperatures or even at the boiling point of water. In fact, the temperature often rises quite a bit above the boiling point before the water is completely evolved. The watersmoking is accomplished by fire in the kiln furnaces. Wood is frequently used for this purpose, to avoid sooting. In the watersmoking eriod it is desired to heat up the brick, evaporate and remove the moisture, and to accomplish this successfully, it is very necessary that draft be strong. The watersmoking is the most critical point in the life of the brick. The process must be carried very slowly the water in coming out of the clay may crack the surface. After the watersmoking is completed, the temperature is increase to that required in oxidation. Oxidation begins in the later stages of vitrification, but the greater part occurs between the temperatures of 800oF and 1300oF. At this stage most of the impurities are given off and the metals constituting the clay are changed to their respective oxides. The highest temperature reached at this point is usually near 2000oF. 5Brick grade designates the durability of a brick unit when exposed to weathering. The United States is divided into three weathering regions, severe, moderate, and negligible, according to annual winter rainfall and the annual number of freezing-cycle days. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 6) Brick is graded for use in each region according to compressive strength, maximum water absorption, and maximum saturation coefficient. The three grades are SW is brick suitable for exposure to severe weathering, as when in contact with the ground or used on surfaces likely to be permeated with water in subfreezing temperatures; minimum compressive strength of 17238 kPa. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) MW is brick suitable for exposure to moderate weathering, as when used above grade on surfaces unlikely to be permeated with water in subfreezing temperatures; minimum compressive strength of 15169 kPa. Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) NW is brick suitable for exposure to negligible weathering, as when used as a backup or interior masonry; minimum compressive strength of 18243 kPa. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) 6The manual production of the bricks involves mainly four operations namely, soil preparation, moulding, drying and firing. The main process in which energy is consumed is firing of bricks. The amount of total coal required is about 18 tonnes to 22 tonnes depending upon the weather condition, quality of coal, etc. A tonne of coal gives about 12. 3MJ to 13. 3MJ depending upon the quality of the coal generally transported from far off distances. (Gumaste n. d. ) The energy required to produce each brick inclusive of transportation comes to about 5 MJ per brick. (Gumaste n. d. ) Advantage of using bricks One of the advantages of using brick to build building is because brick is a high thermal mass material, it absorb heat throughout the day and release it slowly at night, this is ensuring internal temperatures are consistent throughout the day and night. The result is we’re able to have comfortable and healthy living and working environment in which to enjoy stable temperatures throughout the year. Brick building also very sustainable because they highly durable, offer long term life performance, low maintenance, and energy efficient and recyclable. But bricks have been labeled as having high embodied energy due to their process of manufacture. However, in measuring sustainability it is necessary to take into account a material’s life cycle performance, s well as the amount of energy consumed in the manufacturing process. And a recent research by think brick demonstrates that the proportion of embodied energy of clay bricks for the modern semi-detached home is equal to just 1. 87 percent of the over all heating requirement for the home over its 150 year life. Moreover during the manufacture of brick, very little clay is wasted, and those unfired waste clay is reused in the manufacturing process and less than perfect fired bricks are crushed and used as a aggregates in other parts of the building industry. In conclusion, brick has a very high embodied energy during manufacture, especially in the firing system which required many of the energy to burn the brick, but it is highly durable, offer long term life performance and low maintenance so it is very suitable as a material to built the long stay building. Reference list: Berge, B and Trans. 2000. The Ecology of Building Materials. London: Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd. Ching, F. D. K. , and C. Adams. 2001. Building construction ill ustrated. 3rd ed. Toronto: John Wiley sons Inc. Gumaste, K. S. n. d. Embodied energy computations in buildings. http://www. ese. iitb. ac. in/aer2006_files/papers/144. pdf (accessed September 24, 2008) Simmons, H. L. 2001. Construction Principles Materials and Methods. 7th edition. New York: John Willey and Sons Inc. Think Brick Australia. 2007. Why choose Brick? Sustainability. http://www. thinkbrick. com. au/thinking-brick/why-brick/sustainability_home/sustainability_home. cfm (accessed October 10, 2008). Think Brick United Kingdom. 2007. Why Brick? http://www. brick. org. uk/about-us/why-use-brick. html (accessed on September 24, 2008) How to cite Life Cycle Analysis for Brick, Essays

Life Cycle Analysis for Brick Free Essays

Life Cycle Analysis For Brick 1Materials are very important in construction industry because with the combination of different material, we can create a very strong and unique building form. There are many type of material that commonly used in the construction industry, for example the glass, woods, bricks, stones, marble, concretes and etc. Brick is one of the most commonly used materials in Malaysia, because almost every house in housing area was built by bricks. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Cycle Analysis for Brick or any similar topic only for you Order Now From this essay I want to give analysis about the brick life cycle included its origin and how the brick being used after the end of its life cycle. 2Brick was appeared since the beginning of the civilization, which is the ancient Mesopotamia around 8000 BC. (Think Brick Australia 2007) The thick clay and mud leave by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers was reinforced with straw and shaped into brick and then dried in the sun. Bricks were glazed in a variety of colours as the time progressed and used to decorate the facades of the ziggurat, or temple towers, built as stairways to and for the Gods. In the end, people started to realize that when the wooden houses burned and the brick on the remaining chimneys had been strengthened, so fire-hardened bricks began to replace adobe ones in India and the Middle East. And the Romans used kiln-burned brick in conjunction with an efficient mortar of lime and volcanic ash to construct buildings that were both beautiful and last longer. Think Brick Australia 2007) 3Brick is a masonry unit of clay, formed into a rectangular prism while plastic and hardened by firing in a kiln. The manufacture of bricks is used easily workable and clayey materials and the materials are avoided to contain any large hard components or lumps of lime, this is to avoid crack and split of the brick. We can obtain clay on the surface of the ground. There are three principal form of clay used to manufactured clay brick which are surface clay, shales, and fire clays. The surface clays is sedimentary clays which found near the surface of the earth, shales is clay that have been subjected to high pressures until they have hardened almost to the form of slate, and the fire clays is clays which have found deeper in the ground than other types and to have refractory qualities. These three principal forms of clays have similar chemical compositions but appear in different physical. The clays can easily be found and to extract because usually we can find it in the ground surface. After the clay has been extract from the ground, it covered with water, usually used to be work by hand with special hoe. There are several processes to form a brick which are soft mud process, stiff mud process and dry-press process. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) The soft mud process refers to forming brick by molding relatively wet clay having a moisture content of 20 percent to 30 percent. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) The Stiff mud process refers to forming brick and structural tile by extruding stiff but plastic clay having moisture content of 12 percent to 15 percent and then the de-airing machine will removes air and eliminating holes and bubbles in the clay. Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) After that the clay is force through die and cutting the extrusion to length with wires before to heat the finish in the kiln. The dry-press process refers to forming brick by molding relatively dry or low plasticity clay which having moisture content of 5 percent to 7 percent under high pressure, the resulting of this process is sharp-edged, smooth-surfaced bricks. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) 4The most imp ortant step to form a stronger brick is through the drying and firing process. There are three different kinds generally used the humidity system of drying can be applied to any type of dryer, as the term humidity drying represents a process rather than a form of structural design. Humidity drying may be divided into three stages: first is the heating stage, during which the clay is gradually heated up in an atmosphere of relatively high humidity, this prevents excessive cracking or distorting on the face of the brick. After that is the drying period, in which the air is heated to a maximum temperature for the clay being dried, the humidity is gradually decreased to allow the clay to dry uniformly all the way through. And the third which is the cooling stage, in which the temperature is gradually decreased to uniformity. The clay is not fully dried when placed in the kiln. Hygroscopic water is not driven off at ordinary temperatures or even at the boiling point of water. In fact, the temperature often rises quite a bit above the boiling point before the water is completely evolved. The watersmoking is accomplished by fire in the kiln furnaces. Wood is frequently used for this purpose, to avoid sooting. In the watersmoking eriod it is desired to heat up the brick, evaporate and remove the moisture, and to accomplish this successfully, it is very necessary that draft be strong. The watersmoking is the most critical point in the life of the brick. The process must be carried very slowly the water in coming out of the clay may crack the surface. After the watersmoking is completed, the temperature is increase to that required in oxidation. Oxidation begins in the later stages of vitrification, but the greater part occurs between the temperatures of 800oF and 1300oF. At this stage most of the impurities are given off and the metals constituting the clay are changed to their respective oxides. The highest temperature reached at this point is usually near 2000oF. 5Brick grade designates the durability of a brick unit when exposed to weathering. The United States is divided into three weathering regions, severe, moderate, and negligible, according to annual winter rainfall and the annual number of freezing-cycle days. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 6) Brick is graded for use in each region according to compressive strength, maximum water absorption, and maximum saturation coefficient. The three grades are SW is brick suitable for exposure to severe weathering, as when in contact with the ground or used on surfaces likely to be permeated with water in subfreezing temperatures; minimum compressive strength of 17238 kPa. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) MW is brick suitable for exposure to moderate weathering, as when used above grade on surfaces unlikely to be permeated with water in subfreezing temperatures; minimum compressive strength of 15169 kPa. Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) NW is brick suitable for exposure to negligible weathering, as when used as a backup or interior masonry; minimum compressive strength of 18243 kPa. (Ching and Adams 2001, 12. 06) 6The manual production of the bricks involves mainly four operations namely, soil preparation, moulding, drying and firing. The main process in which energy is consumed is firing of bricks. The amount of total coal required is about 18 tonnes to 22 tonnes depending upon the weather condition, quality of coal, etc. A tonne of coal gives about 12. 3MJ to 13. 3MJ depending upon the quality of the coal generally transported from far off distances. (Gumaste n. d. ) The energy required to produce each brick inclusive of transportation comes to about 5 MJ per brick. (Gumaste n. d. ) Advantage of using bricks One of the advantages of using brick to build building is because brick is a high thermal mass material, it absorb heat throughout the day and release it slowly at night, this is ensuring internal temperatures are consistent throughout the day and night. The result is we’re able to have comfortable and healthy living and working environment in which to enjoy stable temperatures throughout the year. Brick building also very sustainable because they highly durable, offer long term life performance, low maintenance, and energy efficient and recyclable. But bricks have been labeled as having high embodied energy due to their process of manufacture. However, in measuring sustainability it is necessary to take into account a material’s life cycle performance, s well as the amount of energy consumed in the manufacturing process. And a recent research by think brick demonstrates that the proportion of embodied energy of clay bricks for the modern semi-detached home is equal to just 1. 87 percent of the over all heating requirement for the home over its 150 year life. Moreover during the manufacture of brick, very little clay is wasted, and those unfired waste clay is reused in the manufacturing process and less than perfect fired bricks are crushed and used as a aggregates in other parts of the building industry. In conclusion, brick has a very high embodied energy during manufacture, especially in the firing system which required many of the energy to burn the brick, but it is highly durable, offer long term life performance and low maintenance so it is very suitable as a material to built the long stay building. Reference list: Berge, B and Trans. 2000. The Ecology of Building Materials. London: Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd. Ching, F. D. K. , and C. Adams. 2001. Building construction ill ustrated. 3rd ed. Toronto: John Wiley sons Inc. Gumaste, K. S. n. d. Embodied energy computations in buildings. http://www. ese. iitb. ac. in/aer2006_files/papers/144. pdf (accessed September 24, 2008) Simmons, H. L. 2001. Construction Principles Materials and Methods. 7th edition. New York: John Willey and Sons Inc. Think Brick Australia. 2007. Why choose Brick? Sustainability. http://www. thinkbrick. com. au/thinking-brick/why-brick/sustainability_home/sustainability_home. cfm (accessed October 10, 2008). Think Brick United Kingdom. 2007. Why Brick? http://www. brick. org. uk/about-us/why-use-brick. html (accessed on September 24, 2008) How to cite Life Cycle Analysis for Brick, Essays

Monday, April 27, 2020

Recruitment Techniques in HRM

Executive Summary Recruitment techniques enable organizations to find the right employees based on their human resources requirements and policies. The use of the right recruitment technique enables an organization to reduce recruitment costs, find the best talent and reduce the time needed to hire new employees (El-Kot 2008, vol. 1, pp. 200-212). Thus it aims at improving the competitiveness of the organization by enabling its owners to hire the best talent in the labor market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Recruitment Techniques in HRM specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the main recruitment techniques used by organizations include referrals, adverts in both print and electronic media and career fairs (Piostrowski Terry 2006, vol. 26, pp. 210-217). Other techniques include recruitment through databases, internal recruitment and contracting employment agencies. Since organizations have varying human r esource needs and financial resources, the following factors inform the choice of a recruitment technique. First, the technique should be efficient as well as cost effective (El-Kot 2008, vol. 1, pp. 200-212). Second, it should be effective by enabling the employer to find the right talent. Finally, it should be fair and legal in order to achieve the desired outcomes. Introduction Recruitment techniques refer to the methods used by organizations to source and hire employees. It is an important human resources management process that helps in creating competitive advantages by enhancing improved quality and productivity among employees (Piostrowski Terry 2006, vol. 26, pp. 210-217). This means that hiring the right workers leads to cost reduction, low turnover and less time used to recruit employees. Adopting an effective recruitment technique can enable a firm to access a large number of resumes. This increases the chances of recruiting the right employee. This paper gives an overv iew of the various recruitment techniques used by different organizations. The merits and demerits of each technique will be illuminated. There are various techniques used by different organizations to hire their staff. The common factor among the various recruitment techniques is that they all involve assessments relating to the ability and behavior of the applicant (Abuzeid 2008, vol. 32, pp. 401-403). The various techniques are as follows. Techniques Advertisements This involves placing adverts concerning the vacant positions in either print or electronic media (Schulz, Camp Waltman 2008, vol. 36, pp. 501-513). In the early nineteenth century, this technique involved placing the ‘help wanted’ adverts in the classified sections of newspapers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus jobseekers could find the details about the vacancies with ease. Currently, most job adverts are done online through websites. Such websites can be owned by the recruiting firm or they can be specialized websites that deal with vacancies only. Vacancies that target specific talent are usually advertised on â€Å"industry special job boards† (Abuzeid 2008, vol. 32, pp. 401-403). The main advantage of this technique is that it enables the employer to reach â€Å"potential employees from a wide geographical area† (Schulz, Camp Waltman 2008, vol. 36, pp. 501-513). For example, adverts placed on a website can be accessed from any part of the world. This increases the chances of recruiting the right talent. The online adverts are also cheap as compared to other recruitment methods. The employers also benefit from the fact that the applicants using online job databases are already qualified in using computers and the internet. Recruitment through the employer’s website helps in reducing the time spent in recruiting. This is because some of the tes ts can be done directly through the website at the convenience of the applicant. The disadvantage of using this technique is that placing adverts in print media is sometimes expensive. Besides, many jobseekers fail to read the adverts due to their inability to purchase newspapers or magazines with such adverts (Schulz, Camp Waltman 2008, vol. 36, pp. 501-513). The online adverts will not be effective if the used website is not popular. Their use is also limited by the availability, cost and ease of using the internet among the targeted applicants. Career Fairs These are â€Å"expos that bring together employers, potential jobseekers and schools† (Lam 2007, vol. 44, pp. 993-1016). The firms participating in the expo usually provide a table or a booth for collecting resumes. The jobseekers are usually given an opportunity to discuss the details of available positions with the potential employers. Besides, they get an opportunity to take their first interviews in regard to the recruitment exercise. Career fairs are usually organized by schools in conjunction with employers and are mainly used to hire staff for entry level positions. The advantage of this technique is that it provides a convenient â€Å"way to collect resumes that can be used for future vacancies† (Lam 2007, vol. 44, pp. 993-1016). It is also cheap due to the fact that the costs or organizing the fairs are shared between the employers and the schools.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Recruitment Techniques in HRM specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Career fairs give employers a chance to meet a large number of well-trained professionals and this increases the chances of finding the best employees. They also enable employers to develop relationships with school authorities. Thus the school authorities can customize their degree programs to suit the needs of the employers. The disadvantage of this technique is that it can not be used to fill vacancies in the event of an emergency (Lam 2007, vol. 44, pp. 993-1016). This is attributed to the fact that career fairs are usually held once or twice a year. They also inconvenience employers due to the logistics involved in travelling to the schools to meet the potential employees. The fairs are usually characterized by competition due to the large number of firms participating in them. Consequently, a firm can miss the opportunity to get the best talent. Database This involves creating a resume database. Thus a firm using this technique will develop a filing system to store resumes or details of the applicants. The resumes stored in the database are usually collected through various methods such as career fairs, websites or direct deliveries by the applicants. The employers normally review the database in order to find resumes of potential employees whenever they want to fill a vacancy (Dave, Patricia Linda 2000, vol.15, pp. 162-178). The candidates w ho meet the desired qualifications are then contacted and interviewed for the vacant position. This technique enables the employer to save time during recruiting (Dave, Patricia Linda 2000, vol. 15, pp. 162-178). This is because the resumes are readily available thus saving the time spent in advertising. The availability of a large number of resumes also helps employers to eliminate the costs associated with advertising job vacancies. The disadvantages associated with this technique are as follows. First, establishing and maintaining the database is expensive. This is attributed to the high cost of acquiring and using the right database technology. Second, the information maintained in the database is sometimes not useful due to the time lag between the application date and the time of contacting the applicant (Dave, Patricia Linda 2000, vol. 15, pp. 162-178). In most cases the potential employees find jobs in other organizations by the time they are contacted by the firm maintain ing their resumes in a database. When this happens, the firm will be forced to start the recruitment process afresh and this leads to time wastage.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Employment Agency An employment agency is a firm that specializes in sourcing and testing the abilities of potential employees on behalf of other firms. Thus a company using this technique will provide the employment agency with the details of the needed skills or competencies (Underhill 2010, vol. 48, pp. 338-355). The information is then used by the agency to help their client (employer) to find the right employees. In some cases, the employer is also involved in the recruitment process especially at the last stages of the interviews and discussion of the terms of employment. The employment agencies are usually engaged on contractual basis. This means that they are only contracted whenever there is a vacancy to be filled. This technique is suitable for positions that require technical skills or expertise (Underhill 2010, vol. 48, pp. 338-355). Thus a firm using this technique will benefit from the specialized skills of the agency to find the right talent. It also helps in saving t ime since the employment agencies normally maintain databases for resumes that match a wide variety of jobs. Apart from helping in the recruitment process, the agencies usually assist their clients to train the employees prior to their employment. The demerit associated with this technique is that it involves high costs in the short-term. The agencies usually charge high fees for their services and this makes it difficult for firms to contract them (Underhill 2010, vol. 48, pp. 338-355). It can also be ineffective if the agency fails to understand the needs of the employer. This is because such misunderstandings can lead to recruitment of ineffective employees. Internal Recruitment Internal recruitment refers to the process of giving the existing employees a chance to fill the existing vacancies (Callaghan Thompson 2002, vol. 39, pp. 233-254). This is done through promotions or interdepartmental transfers. In most cases the record of an employee’s past performance is used to judge his or her suitability for a particular position (Underhill 2010, vol. 48, pp. 338-355). However, some organizations subject their employees to psychometric tests and interviews before promoting them. The promotions are normally accompanied with specialized training to help the employee to adjust to his or her new position. The benefits of this technique are as follows. First, making use of existing employees help in saving the time used to source and hire external workers. Second, internal recruitment gives employees advancement opportunities (Freyens 2010, vol. 48, pp. 262-286). This translates into high morale and low turnover. Third, it is easy to match the skills of existing employees to the requirements of the vacancies due to their experience within the firm (Freyens 2010, vol. 48, pp. 262-286). Finally, promoted workers are less likely to ask for high compensation as compared to external workers. Thus it can help in reducing the fixed costs associated with hiring empl oyees. Internal recruitment will not be beneficial if the existing employees do not have the needed skills. In such cases, the employer must recruit external workers. It also demands high level of transparency and professionalism to ensure that decisions are made on merit. Lack of transparency can lead to corruption or nepotism during promotions and this can lead to dissatisfaction among employees. Limiting recruitment to existing employees denies the employer the opportunity to access â€Å"a wide spectrum of talent† (Freyens 2010, vol. 48, pp. 262-286). Referrals In this case, the employers obtain the information about potential employees from key informants (Dainty 2011, vol. 49, pp. 55-70). The key informants are people with information about the existing talent within an industry. Such informants can be existing employees, business partners or retired employees. Most employees do not look for jobs actively. This means that the information about their abilities and skills is not available to other organizations that might be interested in hiring them (Dainty 2011, vol. 49, pp. 55-70). Thus referrals enable employers to reach potential employees who are not actively looking for jobs. The main advantage of this technique is that it helps in reducing recruitment costs since the referrals are not paid for in most cases. This technique is suitable for positions that need specific behavior patterns such as determination (Callaghan Thompson 2002, vol. 39, pp. 233-254). Such attributes can not be easily verified during interviews. Thus referrals enable employers to reach potential employees whose skills and behavior have already been verified. Referrals can be misleading since they are based on the knowledge of the informant (Dainty 2011, vol. 49, pp. 55-70). This means that the employer can hire ineffective employees if the informant had insufficient information about the potential employee. Conclusion Recruitment techniques refer to the various methods u sed by organizations to source and hire employees (Piostrowski Terry 2006, vol. 26, pp. 210-217). The benefits associated with choosing the right recruitment techniques include cost reduction, hiring the right employee and reducing the time needed to fill existing vacancies (Lam 2007, vol. 44, pp. 993-1016). The above discussion indicates that each technique is associated with various merits and demerits. Besides, some techniques are only suitable under particular situations. For example, internal recruitment can only be used if the existing employees have the desired skills. Thus the factors that determine the choice of a recruitment technique include the following. First, the technique must be efficient and affordable by saving both time and costs (Lam 2007, vol. 44, pp. 993-1016). Second, it should be effective by enabling the employer to find the right employee. Finally, it should be fair and legal so that decisions can be made based on merit. References Abuzeid, A 2008, Ã¢â‚¬Ë œRecruitment and selection into specialty training’, Psychiatry, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 401-403. Callaghan, G Thompson, P 2002, ‘We recruit attitude: the selection and shaping of routine call centre labor’, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 39, no. 2, 233-254. Dainty, P 2011, ‘The strategic HR role: do Australian HR professionals have the required skills?’, Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 55-70. Dave, B, Patricia, L Linda, M 2000, ‘The recruitment and selection of young people by small businesses’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 162-178. El-Kot, G 2008, ‘A survey of recruitment and selection practices in Egypt’, Education, Business and Society, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 200-212. Freyens, B 2010, ‘Managing skill shortages in the Australian public sector: issues and perspectives’, Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 262-2 86. Lam, A 2007, ‘Knowledge networks and careers: academic sciences in industry-university link’, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 44. No. 6, pp. 993-1016. Piostrowski, C Terry, A 2006, ‘Current recruitment and selection practices: a natural survey of fortune 1000 firms’, North American Journal of Psychology, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 210-217. Schulzs, E, Camp, R Waltman, R 2008, ‘Incremental effectiveness of two key IT recruitment methods’, Journal of Managerial Issues, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 501-513. Underhill, E 2010, ‘Should host employers have greater responsibility for temporary agency workers’ employment rights?’, Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 338-355. This essay on Recruitment Techniques in HRM was written and submitted by user Amare Sanders to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ways to improve your college paper writing

Ways to improve your college paper writing Improving Your College Paper Writing – 15 Tips Most college students will not choose writing as a career. In fact, most college students dislike writing paper and essay assignments. To them, it is a terrible activity, maybe even worse than getting a root canal. But write you must, and for most courses you take. So settle yourself in and accept the fact that writing will be a part of your life right now. Because it will also figure greatly into your course grades, and thus your GPA, here are some tips to improve that writing and get those â€Å"A’s† and â€Å"B’s.† Try to start on a major essay or research paper as early as possible. Yes, it may seem impossible at this moment, with all of your other course work, but if you are in a last minute rush to get a paper done, it will never be as good as it could have been. Every course has a syllabus, and every syllabus contains essay and paper assignments, along with due dates. You know the â€Å"drill.† Develop a calendar of all due dates and then go back three weeks and put in a notation to begin on that essay or paper. Will it be a perfect system and will you always abide by those dates? No, but at least you have a road map that you can try to follow. Study the details of every essay or paper assignment carefully. If there are prompts or questions from which you are to choose, select the one that interests you most. If it says evaluate, do not summarize; if it says analyze, do not summarize; if it says to demonstrate how an author developed a particular character, do not re-hash the plot. Do exactly what you are told, no more, no less. Nothing frustrates a professor more than having to read through a bunch of irrelevant content to get to the â€Å"meat† of what you were supposed to include. If you don’t fully understand a paper writing assignment, get in touch with your professor early on. S/he will be flattered that you sought guidance and it will look like you are planning well in advance – great PR! Have a thesis. What’s your point? If you don’t have one, then do the research first – it will help you to think about why the topic is important or what your viewpoint is. These are the things of which good thesis statements are made. Organize your research into clear sub-topics. This is hard to do, because you are trying to â€Å"mesh and meld† material from several sources. One way to determine sub-topics is during your research. If there is a piece you have read that has really divided the topic well, use that as a guide as you develop your outline. Each sub-topic becomes a section of your paper. Use headings to separate sections of a longer essay or a paper. It keeps the reader on track and makes him/her feel â€Å"comfortable.† Always write more than the minimum page assignment. If the range is 6-8 pages, try to get to 8. If a professor didn’t think students could write 8 pages on a topic, question, or prompt, then s/he wouldn’t have given that number. When you go toward the maximum, you impress them! â€Å"Sell† your topic and thesis with a stunning introduction. It is always good to have some shocking statistic or a relevant anecdote to grab reader attention from the very beginning. Use spell- and grammar-checkers. Hopefully, you are using a program like Word. It will catch most of your errors but do not rely on these apps completely, for they are sometimes wrong. For example, you may using the word â€Å"your† to show possession, which is correct. Word grammar checker may â€Å"flag† it and want you to use â€Å"you’re† instead. Don’t do it! And double-check any numerals you use – if they are wrong, they won’t be caught. Use vocabulary that is appropriate for you and your peers, not your professor. And be certain to explain terminology that is complex and/or unique. Better to over-explain than not at all. This lets your professor know that you really understand what you are writing about. Put a â€Å"quota on your quotes.† Your professor does not want to read what everyone else has said. S/he wants to know that you understand what everyone else has said and that you can discuss it. Use quotes to reinforce big points you are making or when an author has stated something so superbly, it should remain intact. Format is important. If it were not, you would not be required to use the one that is specified. You should have a style guide – if not go online and get one for the format style you must use. It makes no sense to lose points because citations and bibliographies are not done correctly. And remember, different styles have different title page formats, pagination, and margins – yes, the â€Å"devil is sometimes in the details.† Write a good conclusion. You have a point to make in writing a paper, so make sure that you refer back to that thesis in your conclusion, stating it in another way of course. Get a good style check tool. These are great, because they will â€Å"flag† awkward or verbose phrases and sentences. Many of them will also pick up agreement and verb tense issues. A good one on the market right now is â€Å"Style-check.rb,† but you can find many with a simple search. If all else fails – if you are out of time, if you have too many papers due at once, if you hate the topic and cannot get motivated – find a good custom paper writing service and let a pro get this one done for you! But make sure you choose a professional essay writing service and your paper will be performed on the highest level.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Check Some Catchy Hooks for an Essay

Check Some Catchy Hooks for an Essay First, what is an essay hook? It is the first words or sentences of your essay. This helps quickly grab attention of the reader, and serves as an introduction to your text. After reading the first words, your reader will decide whether they want to read further or not. If you ask yourself Who could write my essay for me?, you can be sure that our writers will give you a hand. Also our experts have compiled a list of simple tips to help you write perfect college essay hooks. Start with a Quote Literary quotes are good hooks for essay about a book, a story or a particular author. Thanks to quotes, your essay looks fresher, and your words gain more confidence. Also you can use quotes from famous personalities. The main thing is to make sure that your quote matches the subject and style of your text. So you can reinforce your point of view with an additional argument. Use Anecdotes This type of essay hooks is used less often, as many are afraid to start with a funny story. However, a good joke doesn’t mean that all your text should be fun. A little bit of humor will surely grab the attention of the readers, so you can quickly interest them. Start with a Question The correct question will immediately generate the interest. Therefore, this is one of the best hooks for an essay. The curious reader will want to read on to find out the answer. Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple, unambiguous answer (yes or no). Your goal is to encourage the reader to reflect, providing him with arguments that will help find an answer. Expose a Misconception This is one of the best essay writing hooks. People like to learn something new and to be surprised. Start with an assertion that is a commonly recognized fact, and then disprove it. Now all the attention of your reader will be directed to your arguments. Conclusion Choose essay hooks depending on the topic of your essay and its style. If you prefer an emotional and imaginative style, jokes and live scenes will suit you. If you are dealing with a serious issue, start with a misconception revealing or an important question. If you write about literature, start with a quote of the particular author. A good hook is just the beginning. If you find it difficult to write an essay on your own, asking yourself Who could write my essay for me?, our qualified team are always ready to help.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Case study furniture bank Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case study furniture bank - Term Paper Example Though the company is going to incur expenses which have to be given from the cash in hand or go for bank loans. But furniture bank being a charitable organization will also get some rebate in the interest levied on the loan. Once the furniture banking starts building up on the cash, they will also be in a position to spread an awareness regarding their cause for which they are working in the country. Moreover, a further cash of $127000 can be earned from which the expenses of the truck drivers can be borne. Thus, the truck which gets utilized for five days for 90 hours can give more output. Capital Campaign The problem faced by the charitable institution like furniture banking may be that of many other organizations which non profit making institutions are. Being a charitable institution the land acquired by furniture bank was given for free; which is now being taken away forcefully with the intention of building houses at affordable rates. The institution also wants to move to a pl ace which is easily accessible to their entire volunteers who live in Greater Toronto Area. But getting a property there even at a subsidised rate accounts to $1.5million to 3.5million which is almost beyond the limit of furniture bank. Though the institution is having a favourable cash balance yet the rate proposed is beyond their limits because if they go for a property at exorbitant price then the cash required for rendering services will get reduced hampering the cause which is their main motive behind starting of the organization. So in order to get rid of the relocation problem some steps need to be taken like the create more volunteers for the organization, improving fund raising skills and confidence and train the existing staff for making a strong team towards the achievement of the goals. But until a suitable place to set up the institution is found it would not be advisable to shift from the present location under any circumstances (Kihlstedt, 2010, p. 2). Information Tec hnology The information technology is an essential element to run any business effectively, be it profit making or non profit making organization. To track the caller of the furniture bank a proper information system should be built up so that the company can expand more. The cause of the company though a good one is not yet marketed properly so the number of volunteers is a mere 30 members. For a non profit making organization to grow it is very important to spread the cause near and far. This will require more volunteers than presently existing, so marketing through the information technology will not only spread the cause of furniture bank but also do the needful at an affordable cost. Even the records of the institution related to its policies and procedures will be well maintained unlike now. Answering calls will be much prompt than that of now. Customer relationship will also get enhanced. Though the initial cost will come to around $90000 approximately with a monthly payment of $1500 for system maintenance and direct technical support, yet it is advisable to bear with the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Differences and Similarities Between Voluntary and Reflex Nerve Assignment

The Differences and Similarities Between Voluntary and Reflex Nerve Actions - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that endocrine organs are those organs which have specialized glands that produce and secrete chemical substances called hormones that regulate the growth, metabolism, development,  and function of the body. The major endocrine glands are pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, adrenals, parathyroids, reproductive organs and pineal body. The pineal body is located in the middle portion of the brain and secretes melatonin which regulated the wake-sleep cycle of the body. The hypothalamus releases several hormones that control the stimulation and suppression of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. The paper tells that one of the important hormone released by hypothalamus is somatostatin which stops the release of secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. Hypothalamus is secreted in the lower central part of the brain. The pituitary gland is located beneath the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. It is attached to the base of the b rain by a stalk. It secretes several hormones which control the functions of other endocrine glands. The gland is divided into 2 parts, the anterior lobe, and the posterior lobe. Most of the anterior pituitary hormones have a diurnal rhythm. The hormones of the anterior lobe are regulated by the hypothalamus. They are growth hormone which stimulates the growth of tissue and bone, thyroid stimulating hormone which stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete thyroid hormones, adrenocorticotropin hormone which stimulates the adrenal glands to produce steroid hormones, prolactin which stimulates the production of milk in women and follicular stimulating and luteinizing hormones which control the functioning of sexual organs and production of sex hormones. Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. It is an anabolic hormone. It stimulates the growth of various types of tissues of the body especially the bone and the skeletal muscle. Growth hormone stimulates synthesis of protei ns, causes mobilization of fat and inhibits the uptake and metabolism of glucose. Increased secretion of this hormone causes gigantism and decreased secretion causes dwarfism. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces vasopressin which controls water loss through kidneys and oxytocin which stimulates milk production and contracts uterus during childbirth. The thyroid gland is located... Describe the differences and similarities between voluntary and reflex nerve actions. Our body carries out mainly 2 types of actions and they are voluntary actions, involuntary actions or reflex actions. Both the actions involve stimuli, impulse, neurons and effector organs. Voluntary action is nothing but an anticipated, may or may not be conscious, goal-oriented movement. It is initiated in the cerebral cortex of the brain and the impulse passes into the motor area of the cerebral cortex and then to the spinal cord. From here, an impulse is passed to motor neuron and then to the muscle mak ing it contract. Example of voluntary action is waving the hand at a friend. The brain sends the impulse to the muscles of the hand and makes the hand wave at the friend. Thus, voluntary action is under the control of the will of the individual. Reflex action is involuntary. It is initiated by the stimulation of the receptor and the impulse passes through the dendrite and then the axon of the neuron through the synapse. It then relays on the neuron of the grey matter in the spinal cord and the impulse is passed to the motor neuron which then sends the impulse to the muscle. The muscle then contracts and produces action. Example of reflex action is running away from seeing a snake. The action occurs without the conscious of the individual. The control of actions is mainly at the spinal cord level. It is an instantaneous movement. Voluntary impulse passes over to the opposite side of the body, whereas reflex impulse does not. Voluntary reflex is slow because of a longer pathway. Refle x impulse is quicker because it involves only 2 synapses. The pineal body is located in the middle portion of the brain and secretes melatonin which regulated the wake-sleep cycle of the body. The hypothalamus releases several hormones that control the stimulation and suppression of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. One of the important hormone released by hypothalamus is somatostatin which stops the release of secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. Hypothalamus is secreted in the lower central part of the brain. The pituitary gland is located beneath the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. It is attached to the base of the brain by a stalk. It secretes several hormones which control the functions of other endocrine glands. The gland is divided into 2 parts, the anterior lobe, and the posterior lobe. Most of the anterior pituitary hormones have a diurnal rhythm. The hormones of the anterior lobe are regulated by the hypothalamus. They are growth hormone which stimulates the growth of tissue and bone, thyroid stimulating hormone which stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete thyroid hormones, adrenocorticotropin hormone which stimulates the adrenal glands to produce steroid hormones, prolactin which stimulates the production of milk in women and follicular stimulating and luteinizing hormones which control the functioning of sexual organs and production of sex hormones. Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. It is an anabolic hormone. It stimulates the growth of various types of tissues of the body especially the bone and the skeletal muscle. Growth hormone stimulates synthesis of proteins, causes mobilization of fat and inhibits the uptake and metabolism of glucose. Increased secretion of this hormone causes gigantism and decreased secretion causes dwarfism. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces vasopressin which controls water loss through kidneys and oxytocin which stimulates milk production and contracts uterus during childbirth. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and produces thyroid hormones. They are critical for the metabolism in the body. They have a major role to play in the growth and development of various tissues in the body including the nervous tissue. The follicles of the thyroid store thyroglobin from which thyroid hormone is derived. Hypersecretion of thyroid hormone causes Grave's disease and hyposecretion leads to hypothyroidism, an extreme form of which is known as cretinism. The hormones also help maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate in the body. On the surface of the thyroid gland are 2 pairs of parathyroid glands which release parathormone. This hormone regulates the calcium metabolism in the bone and blood. The pancreas is located in the abdomen behind the stomach. It has both endocrine and exocrine parts. The endocrine part secretes glucagon and insulin that control glucose levels in the blood. There are 2 adrenal glands, each of wh ich is located on the top of each kidney. They are triangular shaped and have outer cortex and inner medulla. The outer part reduces corticosteroids which regulate metabolism and control salt and water in the body. The medulla secretes catecholamines which maintain heart and blood pressure and cope with emotional and physical stress. The reproductive glands secrete sex hormones. The male testicles, which are located in the scrotum, secrete androgens like testosterone. These hormones are responsible for the growth and development of sexual characteristics in males. In females, the female hormones are secreted by ovaries which are located on either side of the uterus. They produce estrogens and progesterone which are responsible for female characteristics and are also involved in reproductive functions.  

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Logic, Perception, and Enculturation Essay -- The Nature of Logic

Think about it. How important is thinking? Americans spend all of their day thinking and misthinking of multiple decisions and ideas. Thinking is a very important process of how our thoughts, when transferred verbally or written on paper, can produce a clearer understanding of our views. The nature of logic as it relates to critical thinking, and my perceptual process have been influenced through sources of enculturation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The nature of logic as understood is when you have a situation, belief, tradition, etc. that is examined and reviewed in great detail to discover the reasoning behind a behavior. Critical thinking as I understand it is when you view a situation in multiple ways to get a accurate answer or results. The nature of logic relates to critical thinking by examining the situation and thoughts to get a clearer decision of possible outcomes, or reasoning. For instance, before heading to work you watch the news and their morning traffic update for possible accidents and road closures because you have an hour commute. On this particular morning you hear the traffic reporter mention that your daily route to work has been closed due to a huge tractor-trailer accident. Logically, and using critical thinking you are able to come up with two alternate routes for getting to work on time. Using further logic and critical thinking you watch the news for further traffic details to mak e a final decision on one of two alternate choices. You hear that one of your choic...

Friday, January 17, 2020

Mathematics essay

In Wikipedia (2007), Mathematics is defined as â€Å"the body of knowledge centered on concepts such as quantity, structure, space, and change, and also the academic discipline that studies them.† In general, mathematicians seek out patterns whether found in numbers, space, science, computers, abstracts, etc. Often comparing mathematics to music and poetry, it is an interesting fact that many mathematicians find aesthetic beauty in studying math, even describing it as an â€Å"art form.† Quoting the famous philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell, â€Å"mathematics possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty†¦.†Mathematics is all around the world we live in. The day we came into this world, we were born into a world of numbers — from our birthday to our APGAR scores, the exact time we were born to the number of our toes. Growing up, we were introduced to math when we started counting the ten little Indians with our fingers, eventually leading u s to its more complex nature by solving logarithms with the command of our scientific calculators. Studying math and living with it day in and out oftentimes makes this subject taken for granted. But come to think of it, math makes one think in a way no other field can stimulate one’s intellect.Because of math, we have acquired, if not mastered, the application of logical thinking in all things practical. Mathematics in our century has a very minute, if at all, margin for error. What’s ten is ten, and an apple plus an apple equals two apples. It’s this or that, no grey areas in between. Although contrary to the opinion that math is not a closed intellectual system, in which everything has already been worked out, the mere existence of math compels us to have a black and white perspective of the world. The notion of grey areas is an area that to this day the learned are constantly exploring.Looking at history, the British mathematician Charles Babbage who origina ted the idea of a programmable computer was said to have spent his family fortune in search of the answer to mechanize computation. He was quoted as â€Å"obsessed† with the pursuit of eliminating the inaccuracy of human calculation. The discontent that he had with the probability of human error to a large extent shows that great thinkers predominately believe that the exact explanation of things we want to understand in this world is within math’s reach. Great intellects like Babbage and other legendary mathematicians of our time prove that there is a possibility of defining all empirical things in mathematical terms.Even symbols used in math can be described as a language unique in itself. Mathematical notation in the modern world consists of strict syntax and encoded information that will otherwise be difficult to write in another way. These are only few of many examples illustrating the black and white perspective that math gives us. As with science, math makes you think logically, seeking out precise explanations for possibly everything calculable. What makes it remarkably unique though is that the rationale behind the accuracy of findings in math is not as easy to disprove as those in other fields.The myriad of disciplines that have stemmed from mathematics such as applied mathematics, statistics, and mathematical economics, among others, serve as the different venues for utilizing math as a means of solving real-world problems. But I believe that I need not be a brilliant mathematician to know that one-half of four is two, nor would I need software to count the exact number of days left before Christmas. Needless to say, the basic use of mathematics is an integral part of our life. It enables us to calculate not only the definite answers to complicated mathematical problems, but it also teaches us that in every problem, there is a right and wrong answer.There are no maybes. Unlike essays, there are no half-point systems in your math test a nswers, it’s either your answer is correct or it is wrong. That’s why in approaching things in real life, we do not content ourselves dealing with half-baked questions and half-hearted answers, nor are we satisfied with â€Å"what-could-have-beens.† In our efforts to strike a balance in our existence, we hardly accommodate room for unanswered questions. Just as a toddler naturally asks us with the never ending why, so is our infinite obsession for seeking the right answers to our questions inherent in our nature as humans. After all, despite the clichà © that it is, we don’t want to leave room for grey areas.REFERENCE:Wikipedia. (25 Feb. 2007).

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay on Guyana and Family Values - 1036 Words

Guyana is a middle income country with a multi-ethnic population living under the Coat of Arm, â€Å"One People, One Nation, and One Destiny.† Unlike the western world, my country us a great place to raise a family because happiness in Guyana is built upon mutual respect for each other and strong bond between family and friends. The government has created the necessary policies to sustain this culture. On the other hand, American youths in today’s information age are suffering from continued mortification of family values, artificial happiness and youths losing their voice. I will support my main contentions by entering a conversation with two authors. Sherry Turkle, a professor of Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT, using her†¦show more content†¦Although teenagers has developed some reasoning skills similar to an adult brain, more sophisticated cognitive skills, such as the ability to plan for the future and to evaluate the consequences of a decision, does not fully develop until late adolescence or young adulthood. Developmental Psychologist Erik Erikson conducted further research and uncovered an eight stage of personality development model; Erickson defined the adolescence stage as, â€Å"Identity vs. Identity Confusion.† At this stage of personality development, the youth in the process of testing, experimenting and trying on different identities in search of their true self. Thus, it is imperative that parent play an active role in their child’s life especially in their teens. Happiness vs. Consumption Paradox From an economist perspective, our capitalist system here in America is built on this paradox. In order for market economics to function efficiently, it relies on us Americans getting caught in a vicious cycle of working to spend, it put people under the illusion that the more they spend -- even if it mean going into debt – they become more happier. According to Rocker- Gladen, corporations has recognized this association and exploited it to fullest extent to selling us things, most of the time we do not need. Youth are most affected because they are growing up with all of the happiness memories linked to consumption. Turkle further strengthen this argument because inShow MoreRelatedEssay about A History of Guyana and Its Culture1648 Words   |  7 PagesGuyana is a small country nestled in the northeast corner of South America. Its name means â€Å"the land of many waters† and holds some special characteristics that should be shared with the rest of the world. It is a rich land in every sense of the word. 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