Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Resolving Power Essay Example
Resolving Power Essay Example Resolving Power Essay Resolving Power Essay When two objects are placed close enough to each other or are a great enough distance, there will come a point where your eyes will be unable to distinguish the two objects apart. Determine the resolving power of your eyes. Hypothesis If two strands of hair are placed a foot away in front of white background, then the resolving power of the eyes will be approximately half a millimeter or 0.5 mm. Materials * Glass slide and cover slip * Two human hairs * Dissecting needles * Microscope Procedure 1. Brought a microscope to the lab area making sure to use both hands to carry the microscope and that the cord was not dangling. 2. Looked through the instructions making sure there were no problems that could be posed. 3. Organized the lab area and prepared all equipment including slides and the microscope. 4. Placed two human hairs on the slide 1 mm apart and placed the cover slip above. 5. Placed the slide in front of a white background and examined from a distance of one foot. 6. Determined if the two hairs were distinctly separate and recorded observations. 7. Moved the hairs closer together using a dissecting needle and recorded measurements. 8. Determined if the two hairs were distinctly separate and recorded observations. 9. Repeated step 7-8 until the hairs could not be distinguished as separate objects. 10. Separated the hairs. 11. Repeated steps 4-9 with a different student. 12. Cleaned up the lab area and placed the equipment in the designated places. Observations Student A Distance (mm) Distinguishable/Not Distinguishable 1 Distinguishable 0.8 Distinguishable 0.6 Distinguishable 0.4 Not Distinguishable Student B Distance (mm) Distinguishable/Not Distinguishable 1 Distinguishable 0.7 Distinguishable 0.5 Not Distinguishable Conclusion The purpose was achieved. Since the resolving power of our eyes was seen to be an average of 0.45 mm, it can therefore be concluded that the resolving power of our eyes is 0.45 mm. As a result, my hypothesis was proven correct. Text Questions 1. The limit of resolution of my eyes from a one foot distance when using two human hairs was observed to be 0.5 mm and the limit of resolution of my partners eyes from a one foot distance when using two human hairs was observed to be 0.4mm. 2. The resolving power of the unaided eye does differ from one person to another due to the fact that not all individuals have the same vision or strength of eyes. Therefore, not all individuals have the same resolving power. 3. Due to the fact that not all individuals have the same resolving power, the class most likely had a wide range of resolving powers. However, we did not have the chance to record other individuals observations. Nevertheless, if the resolving power of the class were based on our average, it would be 0.45 mm. 4. The resolving power of the eye becomes weaker as the distance becomes greater. If two objects are moved far enough in the distance, it will appear to be one object. The retina of the eye can differentiate items from a certain distance. However, at greater distances, the retina will not be able to distinguish two objects apart. Instead, the retina will form one image of the two objects. 5. The resolving power refers to the ability of an optical system to reveal detail and distinguish objects apart. The ability to focus refers to sharpening and concentrating on an image while hazing out the surroundings.
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